An old friend resurrected

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The next day Aiska was greeted by blitz "ah lady Aiska of cloud six good I assume" said blitz "hey uhh blitz mate you sure that's the high elder she looks nineteen at least I mean she still look hot an all but like" whispered Exo "shut it boy" muttered blitz "well anyway" said blitz normally "Clara shall lead you to your room" "this way my lady" said Clara bowing "no need Clara doll" said Aiska smiling at Clara as she followed "well Exo your room is next to Clara's so just follow her" said blitz "night all get rest we have a battle in the morning"

In the night there was commotion in the main hall and Exo rushed down to see blitz pointing his gun at a hooded and masked figure "ILL GIVE YOU ONE CHANCE TO REVEAL WHO YOU ARE" shouted blitz. The figure shot the gun out of his hand and took off the hood and mask to show that it was virtue "some advice father use your holster when faced with a threat" said virtue holstering her gun "lord what do you want" said blitz annoyed "I'm just here to make sure lady Aiska is alright" responded virtue "fuckin fine second door 4th floor" said blitz before returning to his room and so it was just virtue and Exo "listen this is well awkward sorry bout the whole shooting at you stuff" said virtue "nah you're cool" said exo before retuning to his room.

In the morning Exo was first downstairs "Exo? What the hell you doing the hangings aren't for another hour" said blitz "by battle I meant protect me from the rebels trying to kill me" "ah alright I assume there is pay" said Exo "yeah not meeting the hangman's noose" said blitz "now gear up we have hanging to watch"

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