Marry and Max

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Max and Marry had always been sworn enemies ever since high school. They couldn't stand each other's presence and would do anything to get on each other's nerves. Their rivalry was well-known amongst their peers and even the teachers were aware of it. But little did they know, beneath all the animosity and hate, there lay a deep and undeniable attraction towards each other.

It all started in their freshman year. Max and Marry were both new students at Central High. Max was the handsome and popular jock who was loved by everyone. On the other hand, Marry was the smart and ambitious girl who excelled in academics. Their paths crossed in a biology class and from that moment on, they were at each other's throats.

Marry was the top student in class and was determined to maintain her position. She was confident and outspoken, never shying away from challenging Max and his male ego. Max, being the competitive person he was, couldn't handle the fact that a girl could be smarter than him. He would constantly tease and make fun of her in front of their classmates.

Their hostility towards each other grew with each passing day and soon it became a tradition for them to argue and bicker whenever they saw each other. It was a never-ending cycle of insults and snide comments. Little did they know, this was the only way they knew how to communicate with each other.

Years went by and they both graduated from high school. They thought they would finally be able to leave all the drama and rivalry behind, but fate had something else in store for them. They both got accepted into the same college and to top it off, they were both pursuing the same major – biology. This meant that they would have to spend the next four years together, in the same classes, and the same major.

Their first day of college was the same as their freshman year of high school – they were still sworn enemies. But as they started spending more time together, something changed. They were forced to work together on projects and assignments, and slowly but surely, they started to see each other in a different light.

Marry realized that beneath the tough and arrogant exterior, Max was a caring and hardworking individual. He was also passionate about biology, just like her. Max, on the other hand, saw that Marry was not just a nerd, but she was also funny, kind, and had a beautiful mind.

Their friends couldn't believe the change in their dynamics. They went from enemies to tolerating each other, and slowly, they became friends. They would still have their arguments, but this time, it was more playful than hurtful.

One day, while studying for an upcoming exam, they both ended up confessing their true feelings towards each other. Marry couldn't believe it, she had always thought she hated Max, but in reality, she was deeply in love with him. Max, on the other hand, had always been drawn towards Marry but never had the courage to admit it.

They decided to give their relationship a chance, but they kept it a secret from their friends. They didn't want to deal with the constant teasing and judgment. As they spent more time together, their love for each other grew stronger and they couldn't imagine their lives without each other.

But like any great love story, their relationship was not without its challenges. Their old behaviors and habits from high school would sometimes resurface, causing arguments and misunderstandings. However, they both knew that they had to put in the effort to make it work. They didn't want to go back to being enemies, they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.

After four years of college, they both graduated with flying colors. They had come a long way from being sworn enemies to being deeply in love. They decided to move in together and start their careers. Their friends had a hard time believing that they were a couple, but they were happy for them.

On their fifth anniversary, Max took Marry to their old high school. He had planned a surprise for her – a romantic dinner on the school rooftop, just like in the movies. As they sat there, admiring the view, Max got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

'Marry, I've known you since high school and I never thought that we would end up together. But somehow, love happened. Will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me?' Max said, with tears in his eyes.

Marry was in shock, but she couldn't have been happier. She said yes, and they sealed their love with a kiss, right in the spot where they had their first argument.

Max and Marry's love story was one for the books. They went from enemies to lovers, proving that sometimes, the person you least expect can end up being the love of your life. They may have started off on the wrong foot, but they ended up with a love that was stronger than any rivalry.

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