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Sekaiyah kamali banks
Harlem, new york

"Granny i can go to a party later" i walked to the kitchen where she was cooking.

"You asking or telling, cause you already dressed and shit" she turned around looking at my outfit.

I was wearing a black cargo skirt and a green croptop, matching that with my green jordan 3s.

"Asking and telling" i smiled standing in the doorway.

"Mhm, gone head" she nodded as she started walking towards the island tumbling a little.

"Granny you good" i quickly ran over to her making sure she didnt fall.

"Im good baby thankyou" she smiled as she sat down.

I looked at her in worry but she just waved me off, i dont care id die bout my granny, and im very dramatic bout her, even if she got a lil paper cut.

"Girl gone head, im fine" she patted my shoulder and i just stared at her for like 5 seconds before walking back to my room.

I took a few pictures and mentally noted to post them on instagram later.

I didnt have any makeup on other than lashes and lipgloss, my hair was in a sleek ponytail and i was feeling real cute.

I sprayed some perfume on myself and took my purse which had almost nothing in it other than my keys on some other small necessities.

"Im finna go gg, i love you" i walked over to her giving her a hug.

Then i walked to the living room dapping up ej before walking out my apartment and getting into my car.

Right as i was about to start my car i got a call from davina.

"Hey sekaiyahh"

"Hey, where you at?"

"Im on the way to there right now, man im finna get so drunk i cant wait"

"Im not even finna get drunk, i do not want to be dealing with a headache tomorrow"

"Girl fuck that, have a luh funnn"

"You can still have fun without alcohol"

"I know i know, where you at though you already there?"

"Nah i just got in my car, finna make my way right nie"

"Okay, ill see you there babygirl"

"Aight" i said before hanging up.

I started my car and drove towards the location tariq sent me.

I listened to a few future, durk and some other songs before making it to the block where the kickback was held.

(if yall dont listen to future & durk what the fuck are yall doing rs🙎🏾‍♀️)

I parked my car a few minutes from the party and started making my way over there.

"I aint never seen this big of a house ever" i spoke to myself.

To others it probably wasnt that big but ive lived in the ghetto my whole life, i only been seeing project buildings and ghetto broke down houses.

I was now infront of the house and it was mad people, the people inside were mostly dancing while the people outside were talking, smoking or also dancing.

I felt someone tap my left shoulder making me turn my head that way but i saw nobody.

"Boo" davine hopped in front of me when i turned my head back genuinely making me jump.

"Dont do that shit no more cause next time ill accidentally punch you in yo jaw" i spoke as we laughed together.

She linked her arms to mine and we started making our way inside, receiving a few stared and compliments.

"Big ass house, where the kitchen at" i heard davina mumble as we walked.

We eventually made it to the kitchen where a lot of people was at, we walked to the counter and davina got 2 shot cups and poured hennessy in them.

"Cheers bitch" she gave me one and we downed it together, my throat burned a lil but nun i couldnt handle.

"Lets go dance miss ma'am" davina said before we were both pulled back.

"Not so fast young ladies" we turned around mugging whoever pulled us back and we were met with tariq, jabari and armani.

"Oh yeah yall" i dapped up tariq and jabari, armani was in his phone and not paying attention so i didnt say anything to him.

"When yall got here" jabari asked.

"Like 5 minutes ago" davina answered.

"Same, ouu she bad, imma go handle that" tariq spoke before walking off.

"We finna go dance" davina said pulling my srm towards where everybody was dancing.

This bitch keep pulling on my arm shit finna fall off.

"Get it sexy by sexy redd was playing through the speakers and all the girls made it to the dance floor.

"Ayee get it sexy, get it sexy" everybody started to sing as girls started to twerk.

I bent down and started to twerk too and i started seeing a crowd surround me.

"Get it kaiyah" davina hyped me up slapping my ass.

I continued dancing for a lil while before stopped and laughing.

I turned around feeling someones eyes on me and there was armani staring at me while leaning against a wall.

It was a girl next to him talking to him but he obviously wasnt feeling her.

I made eye contact with him for like 5 seconds before turning back around.


Davina and i kept almost falling while walking with our arms linked.

I had like 4 shots while davina had like 6, i was a lightweight though.

"You ladies are beautiful, want to go to a room upstairs" some random nigga walked up to us.

These fucking niggas keep bothering us, davina took a few of their numbers but i havent gave mine yet.

"No" i said as i continued walking, we're drunk, not dumb.

"Come on, i could show ya'll a good time" he smirked, prolly thought that shit looked cute.

"Fuck you" i spat not looking at him.

"Who you talking to bitch" he pushed me against the wall.

"Dont fucking touch me nigga is you dumb" i tried sizing him up before he pushed me against the wall again but this time much harder making me hit my hid.

"Shit" i slid down the wall not being able to maintain my balance.

"Dont fucking touch her" davina tried pushing him out the way but he just grabbed her and shoved her onto the floor.

"Bitch" jabari came out if nowhere punching this nigga dead in his jaw.

They started fighting and jakari jumped in while armani walked over to me.

"Yo you good" he kneeled down next to me.

"Im okay" i touched the back of my head seeing a little blood on my fingers.

He grabbed his gun and aimed it at the guys leg once jakari and jabari were out the way.

Everybody started running and armani picked me up bride style quickly started walking towards im guessing his car while jakari picked up davina doing the same.

Armani put me in the backseat of his black srt and jakari put davina next to me while he sat next to her.

Jabari sat in the passenger and armani in the drivers seat.

"Nigga got me mad tight" jakari mugged nothing in particular.

"Word 2" jabari added.

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