James, Chapter one

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James's house 11:45 pm

"No, Betty, she's just a friend. No, I didn't. Betty, it was a mistake-" I was cut off by the call ending "Oh my gosh!" I yell and throw my phone on the twin-sized mattress I got when I moved into my older brother's house. Betty, my girlfriend, or now ex-girlfriend, of 2 years, had caught me in bed with another girl yesterday. I never wanted to sleep with her, but I was drunk. I throw my body on his bed, 'I need to make it up to her,' I think. I sit up aggressively, putting on my shorts. Throwing my tennis shoes on I raced outside. My parents weren't home, they were on some work trip together. I'm wearing a white tank top and shorts. I started to run down the road towards Betty's house. Thankfully I'm good at football and can run for quite a time. Betty's house was about 20 minutes away when I started to run. I've been running for around 15 minutes, and when I check the time on my watch, it reads 12:01. I take a quick break on the sidewalk's curb. I pull my knees close to my chest, with my arms resting on them. I'm looking down with my eyes closed to catch my breath. I finally look up to see a girl slowly climbing down the side of her house. Running into her car. She drives away in the direction I have been running. I finally stand up and start to run again. After another 5 minutes, I pass a house with strobing lights, blaring music, and the girls' car from earlier. I decided to run past the house even though I had a strong urge to enter the party, grab a few drinks, and see what happens. But I have a girlfriend to win back. I turn a final corner nearing my ex-girlfriend's house. I run up the steps and knock at the door; no answer. I text Betty, 'Baby, I'm outside your door, please I need to see you.' He waits a few minutes, and then I get a response, 'James, I'm not home; I'm at a party. Go home and go to sleep,' Betty replies. I scoff. 'You get so mad that you go to a party. Wow, Betty, ' I think to myself starting to walk home. I stop at the party I passed while walking to Betty's house and I decide to give up and go inside. I recognize a few people, so I know this is a party thrown by someone from my high school. I find the bar and get a drink, then two, then three more. After a while, I lost count and started to look for Betty, who I figured would be there. When I couldn't find her, I chose to leave. I start to stumble toward the door. "Hey James, what are you doing here? I thought you were upstairs with Betty," some random drunk guy asked. That sentence made my blood boil. I start to push everyone away, but I'm not headed for the door anymore, but the stairs. I try to open every door in the hall but some are locked, the ones unlocked are empty or have a few people in them smoking. Once I get to the hall's last door in the hall I see Betty and Lucas, my best friend. "Betty, what the fuck" I mumble, I start to feel hatred and betrayal creep up on my heart. "Oh shoot, James," Betty and Lucas say simultaneously. Lucas was on top of Betty, and they were both topless. "Betty, what the hell are you doing?" Before Betty had time to answer, I realized I didn't want to hear any of this so I started pushing through the crowd again. This time heading for the door. "James, wait," Betty called after me, but I didn't want to listen to her so I ignored her. I started to run as fast as I could, being incredibly intoxicated, I couldn't possibly go that far. I started to run in random directions, not even heading home; I just wanted to get away from Betty. I finally sat down on a bench. I closed my eyes, trying to process what I just saw. 'I can't be mad. I did the same thing, but not with her best friend, damnit, why would they do that to me' I thought to myself. I just lay my head low, sitting there, all alone. I was pretty far from home, but I don't think I noticed until I looked up and observed the area I was in. I don't recognize any of it. "Damn, I'm far from home," I say under my breath, getting up, I start to walk towards the area I came from, and I think if I could just retrace my steps, I could find the party, then I could find my house. I start to jog but stop when I see a person standing across the street; the person seems to have no face, just indents where the eyes and nose usually are, of course, it's just a mask, the person is wearing all-black. Black boots, pants, and a black hoodie with the hood on. I get a weird feeling in my stomach and start jogging a little faster. After a few seconds, I started to run again. Being drunk, I can't run that long, so I stop after a few minutes. I bend over with my hands on my knees, holding up my body weight. I sit like this for a few seconds before I feel something cold and sharp slowly tracing a circle on my back. I jump forward and turn around. I turn around to see the person from earlier, This time holding a red and black switchblade. My eyes widen as I stare at the blade, and I start to walk backward slowly. I turn around and start to turn again. This time I do not care if I run out of breath or not. I take many turns and shortcuts but end up between two houses with just a locked fence gate in my way from freedom. "Dang it," I mumble to myself. All thoughts about Betty and Lucas have faded completely at this point. I turn around to run but see the person again. "Is this some kind of sick joke, Lucas? Is that you?" I say, hoping the person will just reveal that it's just Lucas playing some dumb prank. After I get no answer I realize that it is not Lucas behind that hoodie and mask. I had no idea who had been chasing me. The person slowly starts walking closer to me. I back up until I hit my back on something, the gate. I'm stuck between two houses and I had just hit the fence leading into one of the houses' backyards. I try to open the fence gate, but it's locked. "No, please, leave me alone. I didn't do anything." I close my eyes tight and pray for the first time in years. I pray that I'm still home and this is just a bad dream. I pray that the masked person is gone and I'm just really drunk. After a few seconds, I open my eyes again just to see nothing. The person is gone. I look around to see no one. I step forward and look around. I look everywhere but behind me. "James," a distorted voice taunts from behind me. "Oh crap," I murmur. A sharp pain appears on my spinal cord before I have time to turn around. I try to scream in pain, but the person covers my mouth with their black gloves. Then another sharp pain appears, then another, then a few more. The world fades to black and I feel one final stab into my chest. As he pulls it out I can feel my body fall to the ground and it is clear that I'm about to die. My final thought is of Betty, I wish I didn't run away from her, I wish I listened to her. I see why she did what she did but it still hurts. I understand what she felt when I cheated on her. As I feel my heart rate slow, and my brain starts shutting down, I start to slow my breath. I feel the pain I felt just moments ago slip away. Nothing hurts anymore, I can't feel anything. I know I should be in pain, but there's nothing there. It is all...gone.

A/N hey guys i have this chapter posted on my other account @thatgxgwriter420 but thats mainly some dumb stuff i started writing when i was younger and i intend on using htis account as a actual writers account. Thank you and enjoy. 

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