Viobeal, Chapter two

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Viobela's house 11:55 Pm

People annoy me. Almost everyone does except for My best friend Raven and my boyfriend Marvel, yet sometimes he annoys me too. That's why I let them convince me to go to this party Marvel's best friend Luke threw because school is starting next week. I begin putting a simple outfit on, a nice cropped black shirt with jeans. I also wear a few rings and necklaces. I climb down the side of my house using some bricks that stick out just enough where I can stick my fingers and shoes in between them. My parents have been very strict because they caught me sneaking out to go to Raven's house last week. I jump down the last few bricks I was climbing on, rush to my car, and get in. I wait a few seconds for the AC to kick on and start to drive to the party. I pull up, and immediately I'm overwhelmed with the strobe light peaking through the door and windows and the blaring music. I close my eyes and think, 'I'm doing this for Raven and Marvel'. I let out a long breath and started to walk towards the door and walk in. I see Raven making out with Luke while sitting beside him. I slightly chuckle and roll my eyes. I look around for Marvel; he and Raven are the only reason I'm here. "Bela, are you at a party?!" I hear a familiar voice from behind me. I turn around and see Anya, Marvel's twin sister. "Anya, I didn't know you would be here" I smile and pull her into a hug; she wraps her arms around me and shuffles between feet, then pulls away. "How have you been? It's been ages since we hung out," Anya says. I slightly chuckle remembering that last time we hung out "I've been good; Marvel and I have been going steady; how about you? Got your eye on anybody?" I replied. "Nope, single life is the best, no rules, no nothing," she says, and I smile. "Well, I'm going to go find your brother, bye bye I'll see you later," I say, walking away. I find where the drinks are and grab a water bottle; I'm not here to get wasted; I just want to spend time with my boyfriend and best friend." Babe, hey," I hear a guy say behind me; before I could turn around, I feel hands snake up my waist, and I jump forward, escaping the hands, "shit Marvel, don't do that," I say once I've turned around, to see who just touched me. "Damn, chill babe, no need to freak, it's just me," Marvel says. He then leans in to kiss me, but I push him away because I smelt his alcoholic breath. "Baby, let me kiss you," he slurs, stepping closer to me. "No, Marvel, you are extremely drunk and have an alcoholic breath," I say, pushing him away a little harder. "Whatever, I'm gonna find Luke," he says, walking away. I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom., I don't need to go; I want to wash my face off. While walking up the stairs, a guy pushes past me, throwing me against the wall. "What the hell, dude" I yell, but I don't think he heard me. I see him throwing open doors and hear yelling as I walk into the bathroom. I close the door but not all the way. I turn on the faucet to cold and bend down. I let some water pool in my hand and slash it up at my face. With my eyes closed, I reach to my left and find the hand towel. I pat my face dry and stand up straight. "Oh, I didn't know anyone was in here, sorry," I hear a girl say and I stand up straight quickly with a slight jump. I look in the mirror and I see a beautiful brunette with silky gray eyes in a red dress that stops before her knees with a small black bag on her arm. My eyes travel up and down her body, and before I realize it, I start blushing. "Oh, it's ok. I've finished here anyways," I say and turn around. "Valentina, that's my name," she says, looking at the floor. "Viobela, but you can call me Bela," I say with my arm outstretched. She reaches out and shakes my hand. "So you go to Greyson High?" I ask, and she nods in response. "I just transferred, actually," she states. "Oh, really, what grade, if you don't mind me asking?" I ask, "11th." she says. I smile and nod, walking to the door, when she grabs my arm and stops me. "What about you, Bela," she asks. "Same as you, Valentina." she smiles, pulls her phone out of the bag, taps it, and hands it to me. "Put your number in. I'll text you." I grab the phone, smile while typing in my number, naming the contact 'bela⭐', and hand the phone back to her. "Thank you," she says, moving closer to me. Now that she's inches from my face, I examine her, slowly letting my eyes travel around her face, landing on her lips; they were perfectly pink and plump. "Bela, you very pretty," Valentina says, putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I start to blush again, and my stomach flutters, "Thank you," I mumble, and she smiles. Her hand slowly travels down my arm to my hand, slightly grabbing hold of it. My eyes look at our hands, and I subconsciously smile and then look back up at her beautiful green eyes with a hazel ring around her pupil. "Who was the pushy guy I saw getting handsy with you?" she asks, and I roll my eyes. "You mean my annoying boyfriend? He gets like that sometimes, and don't get me wrong, I love him, but he's a little touchy," I say, looking her in the eye. "A little is an understatement," she says, and we laugh. "Uh, Bela," I hear behind me, jumping away from Valentina and turning around. "Raven, are you ok?" I ask as I rub my neck and refuse to make eye contact with Raven. "Yeah, I just want you to drive me and Marvel home; can I sleep over?" she asks, her eyes flicking between Valentina and me. "Of course, I'll drive y'all home, but you can't spend the night 'cause I'm still kinda grounded," I say as I walk away from Valentina and towards Raven. "I'll call you Bela," Valentina said. I bite my lips to hide my smile and nod in response. "Ok, let's go, Bela," Raven says, putting her arm through mine. After we reach the bottom of the stairs, Raven asks, "Who was that, and why were y'all so close?"I roll my eyes and say, "No one and no reason" She asks a few more questions but gives up after she realizes I won't talk. "So, where is my boyfriend?" I ask, and Raven shrugs. "I lost him when I went to find you." I roll my eyes and hand Raven my keys out of my pocket. "Go sit in the car and wait for me." she nods and heads for the front door. I see Luke playing cup pong with some people from the party, and I walk up to him. "Hey Luke, have you seen Marvel?" I ask while he's drinking from a red solo cup. "Oh, uh, I think he's upstairs," he says, lining up for a shot. I roll my eyes and make my way up the stairs again. There are only a few doors open, so I peek into each looking for Marvel. There was nothing besides the random teen smoking or doing something else illegal, so I started to knock on the closed doors. A few guys say something like 'someone in here' or 'occupied.' But then I heard Marvel's voice. Don't come in '' I stand there for a second before saying, "Babe? Is that you?'' I hear a few footsteps and thumps, but there is silence, so I open the door. To my surprise, Marvel is naked on a bed with one girl but two. I recognized one of the girls, Becky, captain of the cheerleading team, and I didn't know or care about the second. I stand there for a second while the three stare at me. "Well, Marvel, I was going to drive you home with Raven, but now you can have one of these.... Nice girls could drive you home. We will talk in the morning, and just for proof and blackmail," I say, whispering the 'blackmail' part. I pull out my phone and I take a pic. Smile and turn away not listening to Marvel calling after me. Rage boiled inside of me but I was not shocked, I knew he was a bad boyfriend I just needed a reason to end things with him. I walk outside to my car and get in to see Raven asleep in the passenger seat. I reach over and buckle her seatbelt, accidentally waking her up. "Huh what, are we home," she says looking around "Nope I haven't even left yet," I say putting the key in and pulling away from the house.''oh dang, go to my house my moms not home and your mom would have your ass if she saw me so just drop me off and come by tomorrow," she says dozing off "ok..." I say turning the car around. After like 5 minutes we pull up and I shake her awake. "Ray, Wake up" I slightly yell "Huh what oh we're here bye," she says and waddles her way to the front door. I chuckle and drive away. After a few seconds, I turn on some music. Taylor Swift to be clear. I start to sing along and roll down my window. After a few more songs I pulled up to my house and parked exactly where I was. And scale up the wall and climb in. I grab the bedclothes I left on my bed and quickly change. I turn the lights off and lie down, I don't wanna deal with tomorrow. With Marvel and those girls. I close my eyes as my thoughts run wild. I can't believe Marvel would cheat on me, I guess I saw it coming he's never been faithful.

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