Suibian's Profile

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Name: Suibian

Meaning: Whatever

Looks: Light reddish-brown hair, light yellow eyes, fair skin, black diamond on his forehead, and a fit figure.
-Battle: Grey undershirt, grey pants, black with gold lining over vest, red belt, black boots with gold lining, and hair in a ponytail with a red cord.
-Casual: Dark blue pants, black turtle neck tank top, grey jacket, and has his hair tied in a ponytail.

Personality: Energetic, mischievous, kind, carefree, self-sacrificing, smart, and protective.

Likes: His former master, Xiaojin is safe, pranking other Touken Danshi with Tsurumaru, annoying Hasebe, and sharing stories with Xiaojin.

Dislikes: The Jin clan, people who disrespect both his current and former master and any harm to Xiaojin and the Touken Danshi.

Hobbies: Pranks, jokes, sparing, and protecting Xiaojin.

-Wei Wuxian (former)
-XiaoJin (current)

-When he's busy doing business outside the citadel for Xiaojin, it's usually Hasebe who's Xiojin's attendant when he's not there.
-Suibian is a strong drinker like Wei Wuxian and often wins drinking competitions with the other swords.
-He also has a extremely high spice tolerance like his master, and tends to put hot sauce on almost all of his food.
-Suibian is also aware that Xiaojin is the daughter of his former master, but refrains from saying anything thinking he's protecting her from the pain that was inflicted upon her parents.

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