Chapter 1: Broken

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TW: Blood and gore
(Characters may not act canon)



You gazed around, nearing the Paper School. Your gaze seemed littered with unsureness of continuing to attend the school. That was when you had spotted Claire, one of your classmates, and your friend.


You shouted. She jolted and quickly whipped her head around to face you. When her eye(s?) settled on the source of the voice, her fear etched gaze dissipated.

"Oh, it's you, Y/N!"

She smiled. You ran over to her, avoiding kids as they walked. Glancing around, you noticed that you were now inside the school, heading to your classes. Your history teacher, Miss Hexi, greeted you in the hall. You waved to her. She was at least decent when punishing students.

On the way to class, you separated from Claire and told her you were going to meet the school's gardener and science teacher, Mister Rose.

Upon entering the school's botanical garden, Mister Rose quickly stood up.

"Ah! Y/N! Good to see you this fine morning!" He grinned tiredly. "Did another student die?" You asked. He shook his head fondly. "No, dear. It's because I've been staying up extra late to take care of some flowers! Here, I'll show you!" He smiled, as he excitedly but gently pulled you towards the flowers.

"Woahhhh nice flowers ya have there Mister Rose!" You grinned widely. "Why, thank you, dear!" He smiled back. "Now, off you go now! You still have class y'know!" He shooed you away from the garden. You simply shrugged and walked away.

Part of the reason you and Mister Rose were on good terms was that you both had a green thumb for plants and an interest in science. You and Mister Rose would also not be bothered by seeing the dead students for the first time, much in contrast to Miss Hexi's first day, where she shook in fear and had a very severe panic attack (and almost a heart attack) that the teachers thought she was gonna die.

Thankfully, she didn't. If she did die, then the Teachers would've become even MORE violent than they were already are, because Miss Hexi was holding them back.

Within a minute, you were in the doorway to your classroom with a few minutes of free time before class started.


You craned your head to the source of the paper airplane, already suspecting of who it was, only to see Zip, Oliver, and Edward chuckling in the back. You gave a glare to them, effectively shutting them up temporarily.

"Hey! We were just playin'!" Zip laughed. Oliver rolled his eyes at his companion while Edward snickered. "Yeah, he's right!" Oliver gave an unamused expression in return to that. You, in turn, also rolled your eyes. "You shouldn't be 'playing' when class is about to start. The-" You couldn't finish as Miss Circle walked in, bringing the test papers. She looked PISSED. It didn't help that Zip, Oliver, and Edward were throwing crumpled papers and airplanes at Claire while Engel glared at them.

"*sigh* Here are your test papers. Zip, Oliver, Claire, Y/N, Engel, and the others, you all passed." She smiled. You breathed a sigh of relief. But upon seeing Abbie's test, she became pissed seeing . "Abbie..." She bared her teeth and smashed the desk. Abbie's eyes widened in fear, realizing that he failed. Standing up quickly, he bolted out of class, with Miss Circle following close behind him. With that, you were dismissed from class a bit early.

Poking her head into the halls, Miss Hexi's eyes landed on your sad form. "Another student, huh?" She questioned. You looked up at her and sniffled. "Yeah...and it was Abbie too...I...I never thought he would fail. I guess it just happens once in a while, does it?" You smiled sadly. Miss Hexi patted your shoulder comfortingly, moving down to sit beside you on the chair.

For a while, you cried a bit in her arms. You eventually fell asleep. Deciding to cut you some slack, Miss Hexi asked Miss Bloomie for your grades. Since they were all passing, she asked if Miss Bloomie would let you sleep. Hastily agreeing to Miss Hexi's request, Miss Bloomie left get to your class.

"Who ever would've thought that Miss Bloomie would become a mother figure?" Miss Hexi smiled. Miss Circle stayed silent, and instead looked to be in deep thought (she was actually just thinking of Oreos).

~Timeskip to Class Time~

Walking into class, Miss Bloomie's eyes softened at the sight of you. 'I guess Miss Hexi was right...he's been a student here for only a year, after all.' She mused, sporting an emotionless face thinking of the poor lifeless corpse of the long dead Abbie. She quickly shook her head to concentrate on the task at hand.

"Hello, dear students! I just needed to make an announcement. Please do not disturb our dear
Y/N here, for he was tuckered out from the last students death." She gave a strained smile. Despite being unaffected by the idea of killing students, Y/N still cried silently every time one died. It was only today that he broke down with Miss Hexi. Miss Bloomie was quite shocked herself when Miss Hexi recounted it to her and Miss Circle. Maybe they'll have to tone down the killing for a bit.


Hello ya'll! I hope ya liked this story! Wishing ya'll well! K, signing off!

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