Chapter 2

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(Y,N) points at a spot on the map.

(Y,N): We're here and my compass is leading us here.

(Y,N) points at another part of the map.

Mark: Arendelle?

Joshamee Gibbs: Why are we going Arendelle, (Y,N)?

(Y,N): Well we need to repair the Black Pearl and we are running low on food so we need to get more supplies.

CJ: But won't we be in trouble with four escaped villains from the isle?

(Y,N): We won't get in trouble.

Jack Sparrow: Are you sure son?

(Y,N): Yes dad I'm sure the king of Arendelle used to be a pirate and he knows you and Uncle Gibbs.

(Y,N): His name is Habib.

Joshamee Gibbs and Jack Sparrow looked at each other then back (Y,N).

Jack Sparrow: Ah Habib, he was a good pirate back then even though he was a weird lad with animal ears and a tail. But never the less he was one of the best pirates in my Crew when I was Captain.

Joshamee Gibbs: We'll be safe at Arendelle. If I remember correctly Habib was against the former King Beast when he decided to sent all of the pirates to the isle of the lost.

Tia Dalma: So lets go to Arendelle.

(Y,N) closed the map and put it away. (Y,N), Mark, CJ, Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs, and Tia Dalma went back to the docks. Captain Hook saw that (Y,N) came back and let go of the stir.

Carlos: So where are we going (Y,N)?

(Y,N): Where going to Arendelle!

After a few hours th
e Black Pearl finally arrived at Arendelle. (Y,N) stirred to the Arendelle docks. Mark lowered the anchor. (Y,N), Mark, CJ, Elizabeth, Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs, Captain Hook, Tia Dalma, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay got out of the Black Pearl and start walking to the castle. Once everyone arrived to the front gate a guard stoped them.

Guard: Halt who goes there!

(Y,N): My name is (Y,N) Sparrow.

Guard: Ah (Y,N) Sparrow you're here to speak with prince Walter?

(Y,N): Yes we need to ask him something.

Guard: Okay, he would be in his parents room with the entire royal family.

Evie: Did something happen?

Guard. Yes Queen Elsa just gave birth.

The guard finally noticed that the missing pirates that escaped the Isle of the lost was standing next to princess Elizabeth and the VK's.

Guard: Aren't you four the pirates that escaped the Isle?

Jack Sparrow walks to the guard.

Jack Sparrow: Well lad, three of us are dressed as pirates and the other one is dressed as a Voodoo Queen?

Guard: Your Captain Jack Sparrow!

Jack Sparrow: Not captain just Jack Sparrow. I gave the title Captain to my son.

Guard: Okay, you can all go in.

Carlos: You're not going to throw us at the dungeons for having escaped villains from the Isle?

Guard: No I won't. Pirates are welcome here since our king used to be a pirate. We'll keep you safe from the other kingdoms.

(Y,N): Okay thanks.

Guard: No problem, I'll have some of the guards guarding your ship.

(Y,N), Mark, CJ, Elizabeth, Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs, Captain Hook, Tia Dalma, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay went to the king and queen's bedroom and saw Walter waiting with his aunt, uncle, cousin, and a snowman. Walter sees (Y,N).

Walter: (Y,N), what are you doing here and are they the pirates that escaped the Isle?

(Y,N): Hello Walter its good to see you again. Yes these are the pirates that escaped the Isle. This is my father Jack Sparrow, my mother Tia Dalma, my uncle Joshamee Gibbs, and CJ's father Captain Hook. Of course you know Mark, CJ, Elizabeth, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos right?

Walter's family saw him talking to (Y,N) and they went to where Walter is.

(Y,N): It's nice to meet you. Of course I know them, it's good to see you guys again.

Walter saw that his family was behind him.

Walter:  (Y,N), Mark, CJ, Elizabeth, Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs, Captain Hook, Tia Dalma, Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay meet my aunt Anna, my uncle Kristoff, and my cousin Ava.

(Y,N): It's nice to meet you all.

Carlos: Am I the only one that sees a walking snowman?

Olaf: Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.

(Y,N), Mark, CJ, Elizabeth, Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs, Captain Hook, Tia Dalma, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay had a shock look on their faces.

Evie: Did that snowman just talked?

Walter: (Y,N), Mark, CJ, Elizabeth, Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs, Captain Hook, Tia Dalma, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay meet Olaf, my mom made him when she first didn't know how to use her powers.

Carlos: Hello Olaf it's nice to meet you.

Olaf: Nice to meet all of you too.

A nurse comes out of King Habib and Queen Elsa's room.

Nurse: Princess Anna, Kristoff, princess Ava, Olaf, prince Walter come on in.

Walter looks at his friends.

Walter: I'll be right back.

Anna, Kristoff, Ava, Olaf, and Walter left to Habib and Elsa's room. After a few hours Walter came out of the door.

Walter: Come on everyone I want you guys to meet someone.

(Y,N), Mark, CJ, Elizabeth, Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs, Captain Hook, Tia Dalma, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay followed Walter. Once they went in they saw King Habib sitting next to his wife, Queen Elsa is inside their bed while holding their new born baby. Habib looked up and was shocked that he saw his old captain.

King Habib: Jack? Gibbs? Tia? Captain Hook? What are you four doing here? How did you four get out of the Isle?

Jack Sparrow: Hello lad it's been a long time.

King Habib went to hug his friends. Joshamee Gibbs starts explaining how they got out of the Isle. King Habib looks at the teenagers then at his son.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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