Burning Pile.

178 8 92

Yayayayaya mother mother my bel9ved


Tuesday, June 30th.

The clacking of shoes on the pavement floor sounded throughout the neighborhood. It was yet another late evening, and Earth needed some time to think to himself.

His eyes were glued to the concrete ground, an umbrella im his left hand. If they remember clearly, the forecast predicted light showers of rain, so if he was gonna be out for a while, he needed to be prepared.

Earth clears his throat, his mind still lingering on what occurred two days ago.

The cop scanned Earth's car, his eyes catching something in the passenger seat. "What's in the bag?" They question, racing their eyebrows in suspicion. Earth flinches, glancing over at the black bag in the seat beside him. "Just.. Shit I need to cook; you expect me to cook with air or somthin'?"

Earth sighed, thinking of the outcomes if Venus had never believed him. They looked up, watching wherever he was going, still paranoid. Going to prison was not on his summer list. And it better stay that way.

The adult scanned the area, watching as grey clouds started to cover the neon blue sky. He could feel slight drizzles of the upcoming rain dripple onto his skin. Earth zipped his NASA sweater up, propping the hood over his wavy hair. Earth cherished his locs of blue; even thinking to dye the ends green if they had the time to do so. They shrugged off that thought, leaving it for another time.

As Earth clacked his 'slightly' heeled shoes onto the concrete pavement, he could spot a playground in the distance. Gaia hummed, wondering if there was anything interesting to see. They remember the last time they took Phobos and Deimos to the park, there was an ongoing divorce - not that he cared, no.

(He did. It was very entertaining)

Gaia must have been stuck in his thoughts for a while cause he hadn't noticed they were standing face to face with the park. Gaia squeaked, not expecting to actually go to the play area. However, if you're thinking about something while doing another, you will surely do it without realizing it. Earth cringed, and the playground was empty.

"So much for entertainment." He muttered, letting his eyelids rest, reverting to their usual half lidded state. The adult avert his gaze at some areas of the play place, a certain aspect piping his interest.

"Ain't that Ura's kid?" They mumbled to themselves, ambling into the park. Noticing how suspicious he seemed to walk up to a random teen, Earth threw his hood off, allowing the little dews of raindroplets to wet his hair. As Earth approached them, he took in their features. Black short hair with a streak of blue, dark skin, an oversized black and navy blue shirt with tights. Perhaps it was one of the older kids? Umbriel was their name, maybe.

As Gaia came close, Umbriel looked up at them, perplexed as to why they were there. Gaia waved, a small smile on their face. "Evenin'." He greets, putting his hands behind his back. Umbriel stares at him, squinting her eyes as she reads his intentions. It was silent for a while before Umbriel finally waved at Earth, keeping her gaze to her feet.

Earth raised a brow, thwir smile faltering as he expected a verbal response and not physical responses. They furrow their brows . This generation really has no manners. Umbriel then showed him an open book, which had some writing in it. Earth chirps, reading what the page had said. 'Did you need something?' It said in a curly handwriting.

Earth forms an o with his lips. This was the mute one. He thinks, grinning yet again. "No, not exactly." They answer, feeling more droplets of rain patter onto him. "Your handwriting is nice," They acquire conversation, opening their umbrella. "Did Ura' teach you how to write like that?" The adult quips, tilting his head a little. Umbriel nods, confirming his query. Earth hums.