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Harleys pov

I watch as the twat walks away from Emmy as she smiles. I scowl at her as i follow the group. How could he just ask her out like that? Why didn't she reject him? Why do i fucking care so much? I shouldnt. I hate her. Like she's so insufferable and annoying. But i seem to care. I don't get this at all.
I run my hands through my hair shaking it as we walk into our empty classroom and sit. Should i ask Harry about it? no he'll think somethings going on.

Harry starts to smirk from his phone. I give up and get up to go to talk to him. I stand in-front of him as he looks up from his phone confused.

"whats up?" he asks me as i glare at him slightly, I try to calm myself a-bit more as i answer his question with my question.

"whats going on between you and Lincoln?u together now or sum?" I ask him as he smiles at me looking as if he's about to burst out laughing.

"no,just taking her out and seeing if anything could come out of it? might be a good shag if you get me,why is there something going on between you two??" he says laughing as all of our friends look at us,confused on why Harry would say that as he's never mentioned anything about Emmy.

"no,nothing going on. just wondering." i say shaking my head crossing my arms. Why would he refer to Emmy as a "good shag" shes way more than that. Not that i care but she's not just a good shag.

"if theres nothing going on with you guys,then you wont ask anymore questions about whats going on with us? Its abit weird mate." He says in reply as i step back a little trying to calm myself.

"Do whatever you want. I do not give a fuck." I say as i go sit back down. They all look at me as if im crazy when cameron speaks up sort of whispering to me.

"Nothing. Just wondering what he's doing with emmy." i say looking down scowling. Why do i care SO much.

"your so full of shit.why do you care so much about emmy mate? thought u hated the bitch?" he replies. Its obvious that him and Emmys best mate have something going on, but he seems to hate Emmy just as much as i do. as i did? i don't know.

"i don't know? i just don't seem to hate her anymore." i say as i think. what was gonna happen if i didn't hate Emmy? what would i do about it. the whole time i've been friends with her its been enemies? hating each other and never being nice. would it be nice to be friends?? maybe something more??

"well thank fuck you finally realise that. You never did hate her. it was OBVIOUS." he says to me as i turn my head quickly at him. What the hell was he on about??

"what are you on about?."i ask. Ive always hated emmy. what does he mean ive never hated her.

"do you not feel the tension??you don't hate her,your inlove with her. maybe not even love but you like her at least"he explains as i feel my face grown in embarrassment. love? nah thats not me at all.

"what the fuck?never ever will i be inlove with Emmy Lincoln." i practically scream as he starts laughing.
"cameron im being serious"

"so am i. look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love Emmy Lincoln." he says as i shake my head. "whatever you say harley,tell me that in 3 months when your together."

i roll my eyes and begin to let my thoughts take over. Why were they all about Emmy,or her going on this date with harry? harry wasn't good for her. and i swear he was talking to grace.?what the fuck.

715 words
Harley realising he likes Emmy? omg😞. joking he doesn't know what it is yet. im literally listening to the perfect playlist for this right now its perfect lmao i love him he's so cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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