Club affair.

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"I don't get you at all." I was in class after returning from the convince store with some food. About ten people had remained in the room. Some had pushed their desks together so they could all eat as a group, while other, more solitary students quietly ate their lunches alone. Everyone here had brought a lunch box from the cafeteria or convenience store.

I had intended to eat alone, but then Horikita returned and sat beside me, uttering those words.

Confused by her sudden remark, I turned to Horikita and asked "What do you mean?"

"There are many things about you that baffle me. For one, why do you go to such lengths to help me? You even revealed such a secret to gain my trust." Quite a question, it looks like I won't be able to eat in peace.

"Well, although I mentioned it in a secretive tone, should a situation arise where it becomes necessary to reveal my abilities, I would reveal them without hesitation." I explained.

"Then why bother hiding them?" Still not convinced Horikita asked.

"I believe in strategic restraint, not putting all my cards on the table. A bit underhanded, don't you think?" I remarked with a hint of amusement in my tone.

"It suits your character." She remarked, if that is a compliment, I will take it. "You still haven't answered my question though."

"Well, of everyone here," I began, my tone thoughtful and gentle "you seem to have the most potential. At first, I offered to teach you in order to persuade you not to report the bus incident. But as I watched your talent, I found myself increasingly intrigued, I guess I got carried away."

"I did say I'm not going to report you." she retorted.

"True, but you never know when someone might change their mind." I countered.

"You are stran-" Just as Horikita was about to finish her sentence, music began to play through the speakers.

"At five PM Japan Standard Time today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium No. 1. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium No. 1. I repeat, at—"

A girl with a sweet voice continued the announcement. Club activities, maybe a change to learn more about the school.

"Wanna go?" I asked for Horikita's company.

"I'm not interested in joining a club."


"You don't plan to join a club, but you want to go to the club fair? How odd."

"I see it as a chance to delve deeper into the school system's inner workings." I remarked thoughtfully "Who knows, there may be some valuable clues."

"In a club fair event?" Horikita questioned with a sceptical tone.

"Mhm." I nodded "Think about it: if the school were testing their students to uncover their hidden agenda, wouldn't they scatter clues throughout various events?"

"You make a fair point. Well, if it's just for a little while after school, I'll go with you."

"Don't worry, I don't intend to stay for long."







"There are more people here than I expected."

After class had ended for the day, Horikita and I went to the gymnasium. Nearly all of the students assembled there were freshmen. There were about a hundred people waiting around. We stood near the back of the room and waited for the fair to begin. While waiting, we glanced over the pamphlet that students received upon entering the gymnasium. The pamphlet contained detailed information about club activities.

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