part -4

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Ohm put the sleeping leng on his bed. When ohm mom came to leng caresses his head and said,"how can they hate him. He didn't do anything." Ohm,"but also he is getting all the hate. Mae I don't know how to make this all stopped." Ohm mom,"everything will be good just be patient hmm. Now come let him sleep for sometime."

Next morning
Leng woke up due to the sun rays which is coming from the window. He slowly getting up from the bed when he realized this is not his room and he have a mild headache. When ohm enters the room. Ohm,"leng you woke up." He came and sit on the bed besides leng hold his hand gentle and said,"leng I know all this happened to you because of me. A-and I decide to l-leaved this series." Leng was shocked after hearing ohm when he said,"n-no ohm don't do this." Ohm,"leng I don't want you to get more hate." Leng,"ohm please I can tolerate every hate please don't leave this project please. And I decided that I'll not let any hate to affect me. I'll be more stronger." Ohm brother enters the room after listening their conversation,"phi leng is right phi ohm. We shouldn't let anyone to hurt us." Ohm,"I know but." Leng,"don't say anything ohm. I know at first this thing affect me but now they won't believe me ohm." Ohm brother enters in the room and said,"yeah phi and looked at here many fans takes stand for you and looked here your followers also increased phi leng many people support you guys and eagerly waiting for your guys series." Ohm mom came and said,"hmm now come and eat the delicious breakfast which I make and cheer your moods."

Ohm making a video of leng who is fixing the tap which is broken. Ohm ,"leng it's not tight ." Leng ,"it's tight ohm looked here. Thai water forced is good." Thai,"yeah phi." Ohm turns his Camera to his brother thai who is washing the car and again turn his camera to leng and Ohm asked ,"how do you know it's tight huh." Leng jokingly said,"oye Khun my family business is this they sell hardware items. That's why I know Khun." Ohm turns his Camera to thai and said,",thai looked here your phi leng is promoting his family business." Thai,"then what is the problem phi or you want phi leng to talk about you phi." Thai teases his brother. Ohm ,"you idiot." He stopped recording and scolded his brother thai. Goes to beats him but Thai turns the water pipe to ohm which make him wet. Both leng and Thai started to laugh looking at him. Ohm,"you Thai  I'll not leave you today bart and leng you also." Leng,"oye ohm what did I do to you." Ohm snatched the pipe from Thai making both leng and Thai wet. Like that three of them started playing in water and mud in the garden. Whole garden area if filled with their laughing sounds. Ohm parents also came out to see what happens but when they saw three of them playing in water and laughing. Ohm mother smile and said,"hubby our ohm is started laughing again liked in the past." Ohm father,"yeah wifey."

Ohm mom sitting in the sofa and drying his Younger son hair with towel and scolding,"you who told you to play in water huh Bart if you became sick na then you'll see what I can do Bart." And hit Thai head. Thai,"Mae it's not my fault it's phi ohm fault."  Ohm mom,"yeah I know you both are a Bart." Suddenly leng sneeze who is sitting beside them watching them drama of mother and son. Ohm mom,"looked you both Bart's because of you two leng become sick. Leng I'll come with medicine." Ohm mom bring the medicine and gave it to the leng. Ohm,"Thai you and me are the adopted . Leng is the real son of Mae." Thai,"I'm also 100% agree with you phi." Ohm pa said,"oh then you two can leave from my house. Now we got our real son leng we two don't need you guys." Ohm mom,"yeah you are right go and pack your stuff and leave our house." Ohm and Thai,"Mae pa how can you both said that." They both are pouting angrily and leng was laughing watching their family drama.

Sorry for grammar mistakes
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