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The air hung heavy with incense, its tendrils weaving through the dimly lit room.Kabir stood before the ancestral shrine, clad in somber whites. The death ceremony for his grandmother had begun-a ritual etched into tradition, a farewell to the matriarch who had shaped his destiny.

Two years had passed since her departure, yet her memory clung to the walls like the scent of jasmine. Kabir's jaw tightened as he poured the sacred water, each drop a whispered prayer. The secretary, a silent specter in the corner, leaned in and murmured words that sliced through the solemnity.

"Sir," she said, her voice barely audible, "there's an urgent matter."

His grandmother's eyes, immortalized in a faded portrait, seemed to bore into him. Kabir's gaze flickered to the secretary. "Speak," he commanded, his tone as cold as the marble floor.

"The deal, sir-the one with kapoor Enterprises," she stammered. "It slipped through our fingers. The managers-"

His patience snapped like a brittle twig. "Incompetence," he spat. "They've cost me more than a mere contract. They've stained my legacy."

The ceremony continued, but Kabir's mind churned with fury. His grandmother's spirit, he imagined, watched from the afterlife-a silent witness to his unraveling empire. When the last incantation echoed, he rose, the weight of tradition heavy on his shoulders.

Three years have passed since the fateful day Kabir accused Nandini of infidelity and cast her out. The pain of that moment has transformed him. Gone is the naive, trusting Kabir who once believed in the goodness of others. In his place stands a man hardened by betrayal, his heart encased in a shell of skepticism and caution.

Kabir focus shifted from personal connections to the pursuit of success. He channeled his hurt into ambition, climbing the ranks of the business world with a relentless drive. Now, he is a titan of industry, a name that echoes in the halls of power. Money and fame are his companions, but the shadow of his past looms large. His face, chiseled and handsome, graces magazine covers and boardrooms alike. But beneath the polished exterior lies a heart encased in ice. Kabir's ruthlessness knows no bounds; he's become a legend in the corporate world.

In his office, the mahogany desk gleamed, a battlefield awaiting its commander. Kabir summoned the managers-one by one-like pawns to the chessboard. Their faces blanched as they entered, sensing the tempest brewing. He didn't bother with pleasantries.

"You," he pointed at the marketing head, "your lackluster campaign cost us the Kapoor deal. You're dismissed."

The finance manager trembled. "Sir, it was-"

"Silence!" Kabir's voice echoed off the walls. "Your excuses are as flimsy as paper currency. Pack your belongings."

And so, the procession of downfall continued. The HR manager, the operations lead-they all faced the guillotine of his wrath. Kabir reveled in their fear, the taste of vengeance sweet on his tongue. He ensured they'd find no refuge elsewhere; their careers lay in ruins.

The office buzzed with whispers, like bees swarming a fallen flower. Kabir's ruthlessness was legendary, a cautionary tale for those who dared cross his path. His face, once boyish, had hardened into a mask of steel. Emotions were luxuries he could no longer afford.

(On the other side)

A woman in a beautiful chiffon sari stands by the shore, the sea breeze playing with her hair, outlining her graceful figure. She gazes out at the horizon, a contemplative expression on her face. The setting sun casts a warm glow, yet her silhouette holds a story of resilience and strength.

Nandini," a voice calls from behind.

Nandini's beauty has blossomed, her eyes reflecting the calm of a storm-tamed sea. She's shed tears for Kabir, but they've evaporated into the ether. Her love for him has transformed into something else-a quiet understanding, perhaps. She no longer waits for him to return; her life has moved beyond those shattered walls. The radiance that once defined her has evolved into a quiet strength. Her eyes, once alight with unbridled joy, now reflect a deeper, more complex tale. The loss of her child, Kabir's child, is a silent chapter known only to her heart.

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