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Despite the 70+ people standing around and talking, I had never felt more alone than I had the moment I walked into the party venue. Talia and Stacey were late as usual and Aria wasn't going to arrive until all of the guests were here. My parents left earlier so they could help make sure everything was set up correctly. Which just left me all to myself in a sea of people I knew entirely too well. My anxiety tore at my stomach, making me feel more nauseous than I felt when I had to take the bar. I slid my way into the bathroom to blot the sweat off my face and pits. I gripped onto the sink, fighting to breathe and not let my nerves get the best of me. I hadn't been here more than a few minutes before I was swarmed by people asking me how I've been, where I live, and if I'm still single... I fidgeted with my hair, tucking small pieces of my updo in the place where the wind had blown them out. Anxiety and nerves aside, I looked pretty damn good for my homecoming event. I found the perfect red satin corset dress from House of CB and managed to still be able to fit into it despite all the emotional eating I'd been doing this week. The high collar on the dress gave me a chance to test out an updo I saw on TikTok, bringing the whole look together. A stunner for sure, too bad I didn't want to be perceived. "Fuck," I swore under my breath. I couldn't keep hiding in the bathroom, it was time to face the music. I took a deep breath and emerged from the inner sanctum of the bathroom and went back to the party."MELANIEEEE!" My Aunt Tanita shrieked as she ran up to me. She grabbed me and held me tightly, swinging me back and forth. I felt myself let out a small breath of relief now that I was in pleasant company. My Aunt Tanita was a tall, brown-skin woman with a muscular build that came from her time playing in the WNBA. These days, though, she was more focused on event planning than shooting 3s. She kept her hair in a short, neat platinum blonde pixie cut and always wore colorful glasses to match her outfit. Today, she had on royal blue, square frames to match her royal blue pants suit. Her heavy necklace pressed against my cheek while she squeezed me with joy. I didn't miss much about home, but I definitely missed being with my aunt. She was my mom's only sibling and they were two opposite sides of the same coin. Except when it came to designing things. "Tanita, you're going to break her in half," my aunt's partner, Drew, said coming to my rescue. My aunt let me go, squeezing my cheeks and smiling brightly, "You're just as beautiful as ever, Melly." I blushed, "Thank you, auntie." Drew hugged me, "Welcome home, kid. We miss you around here," she said warmly. "I miss you guys too! Life just gets so busy."
"Tuh, I wouldn't want to be here with these stuck-up bitches either," my aunt jested, earning an eye roll from Drew. I couldn't help but laugh. My aunt was a few years younger than my mom which was probably why she was easier to get along with. Until I left, my aunt and Drew were my haven away from the demands of our social group. Whenever my mom or other "aunts" were busy trying to figure out who had the newest items off the runway, my aunt and I would always sneak off. When I punched Tre the last time I was home, my aunt and Drew were the only two who stood by my side. My parents were too busy trying to save face. Aunt Tanita latched her arm with mine and led me around the museum space, showing me the designs and decorations that she and Aria had picked out, making sure to comment on every color, pattern, and minuscule detail. "Your mom says these borders are outdated but so is she," she laughed. "You know how she gets about her interior design," I chuckled. She rolled her eyes, "She's so uptight sometimes." I nodded, reaching for a glass of champagne from the cater waiter. My aunt grabbed two glasses, "One is for my partner," she winked to the waiter who politely smiled and kept walking. She inhaled one glass and then classily held on to the other like an accessory. "So, Melly, catch me up on everything! How is North Carolina?" I carefully sipped my champagne, feeling eyes on me. "North Carolina is the same as always. I barely get to see it since I'm always working."
"Don't work yourself to death, kid. What's the point in making money if you can't enjoy it?" I shrugged, "I like what I do. Plus I find time for some fun now and then."
"Oh? Give me the deets on Charlotte. Drew and I have been talking about coming to visit you and taking some time away from this suffocating place."
"You guys should! As soon as things slow down at work we can schedule something."
Work, work, work," she mocked me, "You either need some drugs or dick in your life. Just because you have esquire behind your name doesn't mean you have to be a stick in the mud. You're young! Your 20s are made for doing stupid shit!"
"I can't afford to do any more stupid shit, Auntie," I scoffed, sipping my champagne. She studied me for a second then put her hand on my arm, "If you want people to let that go, then you have to let it go too."
"I know... It's just all I can think about since I've been here."
"You're not here for that nepo-baby and you're not here for these cash cows either. You took time out of your busy life to come to support your best friend during a huge moment in her life. Unlike everyone else here, you get to leave all of this and live the life you want for yourself. If they want to live in the past and worry about you instead of themselves then let them! It's all they have to look forward to anyway. Ease up on yourself, kid," she asserted reassuringly. I nodded, "I'll try."
"No, you will! I've never seen you fail at anything before and I know you won't now." She kissed my cheek and patted my back, "Aria should be arriving any minute now so I'm going to go make sure everything is ready. Drink more!" She pinched my cheek and sashayed into the crowd of people, effortlessly sliding through them and snagging a drink on the way. "Hey, Mel!" I heard from behind me. I turned to see Stacey and Talia approaching me, Virgil in tow with Stacey's mink on his arm. I grinned, taking in my friends' outfits for the night. Aria wanted us all to wear red tonight and they looked fabulous. "Oof, Virgil you and I might have to fight over Stacey," I chuckled. He smiled, "I know I won't win that fight." He kissed Stacey's cheek and found some of his friends. "You look great, girl!" Talia beamed, spinning me around. "No, seriously! That dress looks amazing on you," Stacey said. "Me?! You guys look like runway models! But I would expect nothing less." They thanked me in unison, continuing to talk about their day up to this point. "Aria's almost here, I think," I said. "Oh good! I can always count on you guys to be late," Stacey poked. Talia rolled her eyes, "Bye. You were the reason we were late tonight anyway."
"And even with me being late, you still ended up being later than me!" I chuckled, "I think she was going to wait until we all got here anyway."
"Makes sense." Talia looked around, her eyes stopping on something and then growing wide immediately. "What?" Stacey asked. She turned to see what Talia was looking at then quickly turned back to me, her brow furrowed as she bit her lip in annoyance. "Um?" I said. "Mel, don't look now but... Shanice is here." I shrugged nonchalantly, "Okay?"
"...with Tre," Talia added quietly. I almost choked on my champagne. Shanice was my biggest rival from grade school. As with everyone else in Fort Washington, her parents were friends with my parents. More importantly, her parents were best friends with Tre's parents. Every time we broke up Tre's mom tried to get him to forget about me and go for Shanice. For every sport I did, Shanice also did it. I joined a sorority and she joined the same one. I became an attorney and she became a doctor. It felt like we were always trying to one-up each other. Now she was here with her heavy pounds of curls and thick hips, leaning into my ex-former date. I jerked my head in their direction, a sly smile on Tre's face as he and Shanice chatted with everyone. I clenched my jaw tightly, wondering if I should punch him again and hope on the next flight back home. Whenever I thought Tre couldn't go lower, he always showed me he was willing to go to hell. Why would he lie and say he couldn't make it if he just wanted to bring her?"Mel," Talia called to me, pulling me back in the moment. I turned back to my friends, my hands sweaty from the adrenaline rushing into my body. "Is he fucking serious?" I hissed in a low voice. "Listen, we can worry about this afterward. Right now, let's just focus on the party!" Stacey tried. I scoffed and downed my champagne like my aunt. "C'mon, Mel, you know he's expecting a reaction out of you," Talia said, concern on her face. "He's working hard to get one, that's for sure." I prepared to stop the waiter for another drink when everyone began clapping. I bit the inside of my cheek and followed my friends to the front to greet Aria and Rod as they came in hand-in-hand. Aria and Rod hugged and kissed their guests, spending a little extra time when they got to us and Rod's friends. Despite how happy the moment should have been, I couldn't get over the annoying feeling of having Tre so close to me when he shouldn't have been. I wasn't sure if I was hurt that he decided not to be my date so that he could be Shanice's or if I was hurt that he felt the need to lie to me about it. Then again, Tre didn't need an excuse to lie. A huge part of the reason he and I couldn't work out (no matter how hard we tried to) was because he was a lying manipulator who only cared about himself. Tonight was proof that he was still the same him. Aria and Rod took their place in the middle of the crowd to address their guests. Stacey, Talia, and I stood by to listen attentively. My best friend looked beautiful. She had on a long-sleeved cream lace dress with a corset detailing that made her already stacked curves look more perfect. Her hair was perfectly curled and flowed down her back, while her makeup gently enhanced her features. Next to Rod, they looked like Barbie and Ken. She lovingly looked up at Rod as he joked on the microphone, thanking us all for coming. In this moment I felt like a proud parent. I had watched Aria grow up and been with her through some great times and some horrible times, yet this was the happiest I had ever seen her. I glanced at Tre out of the corner of my eye, his chest puffed out while he fixed the sleeves on his suit jacket. This moment was not about him or me, it was about Aria and Rod. I took a deep breath and sighed, looping my arms with my friends. I let Tre ruin a lot of moments for me, but I wouldn't let him ruin this one.

"Before everyone takes full advantage of the open bar and the amazing DJ," Aria said gleefully, "My fiancee and I would like to take this time to announce our wedding party!" Someone who worked for my aunt's company quickly ran up to Aria and Rod and handed them six Tiffany boxes and champagne flutes. They thanked the employee and regained their stature. "We'll start with our bridesmaids and groomsmen then we'll do the maid of honor and best man! Stacey and Talia," Aria smiled, gesturing for them to stand with her. They let go of my arms and joined Aria at the front, tears welling up in their eyes. "I'm sure everyone was expecting this," she laughed, "But I would be so honored if you two would be my bridesmaids!" Talia and Stacey excitedly accepted, hugging Aria tightly. "I'm sure this won't be nearly as sentimental and loving," Rod joked, "But Virgil and my dear brother, Tommy, I'd like to ask you both to be my groomsmen." The three men laughed and joked loudly, shaking each other's hands and joking about Rod for getting them Tiffany gifts. Aria took the microphone back and smiled at me. She reached her hand out for me to grab and held my hand tightly. She handed me the last box she had, a tear streaming down her face as she tried to find words to say. I wasn't any help to her since I was already crying and she hadn't even said anything. "To my best friend," she started, "The only person who knows me as well as I know myself. You've been by my side for my whole life. For every big moment, you have always been here to cheer me on. I couldn't imagine going into this next phase of my life without you right by me. Will you be my maid of honor?" I grabbed her and hugged her tightly, "It would mean the world to me, Ari!" The audience "awed" and clapped while we had our moment. All of my nerves felt useless at this point. Maybe Aunt Tanita was right...I had to let go and live in this moment. I gave Aria one last hug and stood with Stacey and Talia who were wiping their eyes. Rod smiled at us and then sighed, "Alright, so, I guess this one might be a little more sentimental," he chuckled, "So... As a lot you all know, I recently had a chance to be a guest anchor on CNN and I was offered a full-time position" The audience cheered quickly then quieted themselves so Rod could finish, "Thank you! But, truly I owe this all to my good friend, Trevaunn!" 

It was as if the world stopped.

My happy smile instantly turned to a tight-lipped scowl while I watched Tre's stupid brilliant white smile spread across his face. He adjusted his stupid Prada tie and joined all of us at the front. I didn't hear everything else that Rod said to further inflate Tre's ego, but whatever it was he seemed passionate about it. Aria continued to smile, but I could see the discomfort in her eyes while Tre collected his Tiffany box and stood proudly with the other guys. "Let's get a picture of the bridal party then we can all enjoy the rest of this beautiful night!" Rod cheered, holding a bottle of Ace of Spades in the air. He and Aria filled our glasses, the smile never leaving their faces. We all shuffled together quickly for the photographer, cheering and drinking our champagne in "celebration." "Now, please eat, drink, and be merry!" Aria beamed. I ducked away while the crowd swarmed the bridal party to see what the gifts were. Just when I was about to move past the bull shit, the bull shit came barrelling toward me.

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