Surprise Visits

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Standing in front of her bedroom mirror, Taylor looked at her reflection and couldn't help the tears that fell as naturally as she breathed

The blue jeans she had hidden at the bottom of her closet were a size too big now but still looked better than any of the pairs Jared had bought her recently and the plain black T-shirt with Miami printed in white across the front was now also too big and hung loosely from one shoulder and for the first time in a long time she allowed her hair to hang loose in its natural curls

"Taylor" she whispered whilst reaching out and touching her reflection

She owed Travis an apology.

He had gone out of his way to be kind to her and she had lost her mind.

Her paranoia and issues were not his concern and he shouldn't be punished for them, she knew that without doubt

Jared would be home in 7 hours which gave her time to walk to Travis' house, make her apology, come home, change, change the lock on the door back to how it was and then prepare the house for Jareds return, knowing sex would be the first thing he wanted after his long weekend away

Wishing she had makeup to cover the black rings below her eyes and the bruises across her cheek, she tucked a handful of curls behind one ear and then walked slowly to the front door, trying and failing to remember the last time she left the house on her own.

The sunlight was bright and caused her to reach up and shade her eyes as she exited the house.

Her eyes scanned the street but she saw nothing that concerned her as she started to head slowly in the direction of the Kelce house

"Morning!" She span quickly in the opposite direction and saw Mr. Grey, an old friend of her mothers waving to her from his front garden "its lovely to see you Taylor!"

The girl forced a small smile and then hurried along the street, keeping her head down so as not to gain any further attention, the fewer people that knew she had left the house, the less chance of it getting back to Jared there was

"Taylor!" She was barely at the Kelce front gate when Donna Kelce, Shawns mom appeared at her door "It is you! I just said to Ed I thought it was" she hurried down the garden path, unlocking the gate and pulling Taylor into an embrace "Oh my darling, you're so thin" she lifted Taylors face and gazed at her with eyes huge with concern.

Heaving in a shaky breath she pulled Taylor gently towards the front door "Ed! Ed come and see who came to visit!"

Ed Kelce soon appeared at the front door and the look they shared between them wasn't missed by Taylor

"Taylor..." he reached out and took her hand from Donnas as they both ushered her inside without giving her the opportunity to say no.

The sound of the front door shutting heavily behind them caused a panic to surge through Taylor as she turned back to see her escape route gone and she struggled to control the heartbeat that was robbing her of her breath

"Travis" She gasped out

"He's jogging, he'll be back soon. Come and sit down, please" said Donna as she ushered her into a cosy pink and grey armchair "Can I get you tea? Cookies? I think we have some cake"

"I'm fine, thank you though" She was aware she must seem like a deer in the headlights, she had intended a quick visit to speak to Travis on the doorstep but here she now was deep within the Kelce home and the memories that invoked were battering her brain whilst her chest constricted and she struggled to catch her breath

"It's so nice to see you here Taylor, our conversation the other day was so short"

Taylor nodded, remembering how Donna had caught her when she was taking out the trash and had informed her of Travis' imminent return. It was just a few days ago but it seemed as though everything had changed since then

"How have you been?" Asked Ed, taking a seat opposite to Taylor and sharing a knowing look with his wife

"This isn't what it looks like" she added guiltily, lifting a hand to her damaged face and hating the things they must be thinking about Jared

"We know" Donna soothed, "Travis told us you had a fall or something"

"Too much wine... you know how it is"

Donna and Ed both nodded knowingly and then Ed peered out of the window, looking for his son

"I only came to apologise to Travis" Taylor hated the way her voice shook.

Growing up these people had been her second family, this house was her second home but anxiety caused her nerves to buzz as though she were being electrocuted

"He did something nice for me and I over reacted"

"He didn't mention anything, I'm sure he knew you didn't mean it, you two have always been so close"

Those words caused Taylor to jump to her feet.

She had a boyfriend, she shouldn't be in another mans house

"I have to go" she blurted out, suddenly heading for the door

"Taylor please wait, Travis will be here in just a little while and then you two can talk" Donnas hand reached for Taylors arm but the younger girl panicked and tripped backwards

"Donna..." Ed said quietly as he took his wife and pulled her to him "Taylor you go sweetheart, we'll tell Travis that you called by"

"Tell him not to come back" she said backing into the wall and then running out of the front door and back to her own house as fast as her aching legs could carry her


Slamming the door shut behind her, Taylor rested her back against it and tried to catch her breath

What had she been thinking?!

What was she doing going to Travis' house like that?!

She gripped her head in her hands as she felt her chest begin to heave, the sobs and screams beginning to build

"Where were you Taylor?"

The voice came from the bottom of the hallway that lay in shadows and it was so cold it made her blood freeze like ice in her veins

"Jared..." reaching behind her she tried to find the handle to the door, tried to pull the door open and she managed, stepping out into the sunlight just in time to see Travis' back disappearing into his house, she almost managed to call out to him but before she could a hand was tangled in her hair and she was dragged back into the house, the lock was slid across the door and then everything turned silent

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