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That whole night, BF couldn't stop thinking about her. He kept seeing that beautiful face of hers in his sleep. He still didn't want to convince himself he did like her... but maybe it was a possibility. He woke up in the middle of the night and found his whole bed was a pool of drool after thinking about her so much.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" BF asked himself in the middle of the night. He just couldn't get her out of his head. He tried to listen to music, he tried watching Youtube videos... nothing.

BF was a mess that next morning. He got a little bit of sleep that night, but not much. Usually, BF and Whitty would wait in the car for the bell. But this time, BF was more than eager to go inside.

"Excited to see her, eh?" Whitty smirked.

"No... I just want to-" BF said.

"You can't lie to me, BF. I heard what you were doing in your bedroom at midnight," Whitty grinned.

"Shut up... ok maybe I do want to see her a bit..." BF spoke.

"I know you got feelings. Why don't you just tell her?" Whitty asked.

"I just met her, dude. I'm not sure it is a full crush. Maybe I just think she's attractive. I don't know her enough," BF said.

"Well, if you're wanting to see her so bad, you must want to get to know her more, no?" Whitty asked.

"Maybe..." He said.

"No shame in it, buddy. Come on, let's head inside," Whitty said.

The boys got out of the car and headed inside. They walked into the cafeteria and BF saw GF sitting by herself.

"Get on in there, boy," Whitty chuckled, pushing BF over to the table.

GF looked up and smiled widely when she saw BF standing there.

"Hey!" She said, a heavy sound of excitement in her voice.

"Hey," BF beamed, blushing a good bit.

He pulled out the seat beside her and sat with her. She turned off her music and her full attention was on BF.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm good, how about yourself?" BF asked, with a smile on his face.

"Pretty good. I'm just slowly trying to adjust to this place," GF said.

"Yeah... where are you from by the way?" BF asked.

"I came from Funkville. But my parents got a great offer here in Funk City so here I am," GF explained.

"Gotcha," BF said, looking down at his hands.

"Yeah... It's been a bit of an adjustment," she sighed.

"Well... I'm here for ya... if you, y'know... ever need someone to talk to," BF said, blushing.

GF giggled and twirled her hair around a bit as she looked at him.

"Back at my school, no one ever treated me with respect like you do. I mean of course I had friends who were nice to me, but never a boy..." she said, looking at him for a bit before turning away.

"Why not?" he asked.

"They just thought I was nothing special. Which I'm not..." GF sighed.

"That's not true," BF said, not even realizing the words that came out of his mouth.

Her face lit up as she looked at him with wide eyes. He didn't really know how to cover that up.

"I mean..." he started again.

Suddenly, the bell went off and the students headed back to class. GF watched as he just sighed and stood up, grabbing his bag before getting ready to leave.

"Wait for me," she said, following close behind.

They reached their lockers and they unpacked for the day. BF and GF headed for their first block together. She couldn't help but want to understand what he meant by that. Was there a chance she had liked him?

They sat down together and she turned to face him. He knew she was going to want an answer.

"I might have only known you for a day. But I can't see why anyone wouldn't like you. You're sweet, caring, full of humor, and a good friend," BF said.

GF smiled widely and took his arm, causing him to blush.

"You really mean that, BF?" she asked.

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. I'm not that kind of person," BF responded.

GF beamed and giggled a bit, hugging him once again. And the feel of her embrace was everything to him.

He hugged her back this time. He didn't even want to pull away and neither did she. It was one of those moments they wanted to hold on forever. But of course that ended when Mr. Jack entered the room.

"Alright students. I'm just going to put a film on today because I have to help the principal unload new equipment so I won't be back most likely till the end of class," the teacher explained.

He then turned on a random movie and turned the lights off so the students could enjoy it. BF and GF had rested their heads in their arms, like what students do when they are bored. He looked over at GF, who gave him a small smile. He then pulled out his earbuds again and handed her the same one she had in yesterday.

"You wanna rock to some 70's shit?" BF chuckled.

"Sure!" she giggled.

He handed her the earbud and she listened to the music with him. But this time, she did something a bit different. She rested her head on his arm, making BF blush a very clear red. But he didn't say anything because he liked how close she was to him. And at this point, he wouldn't deny it. He did like her.

He did want her to be his girlfriend.

Hope you guys enjoyed this part. Going on a damn streak writing this story lol

Have a good and blessed day everyone!

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