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Hellour, I'm Ocexnxyes but you can call me Rosy. So, this is my first-ish story. If you read the summary and were intrigued, I'm so happy, I spent so much time on that. So, I'm planning on making this a series or something. You can always tell me if you have suggestions or anything. My writing means a lot to me and I won't hesitate to block you if you hate on this book. But I'm always open to feedback (about my horrible grammar and spelling. I literally swear I would die without spell check T-T) I promise you its not too cringy or cliche. Please vote! And maybe also tag :)

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(srry if I forgot you) 

╰♡ 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝓎 ♡╮

(Note 1st chapter is gonna be published by next week)


I don't belong here, I never did and I never will. I don't know how many times people will try to help me. They always try and then give up. You don't want to know how many times I have tried to fit in. Hi, I'm Aria and I know what you might be thinking; "Dude, CHILL, your not the only one who thinks they're different or special, sorry not sorry but get a life". Thanks, I'll take that into consideration but only after I tell you my story. I was orphaned, adopted, left alone on the side of the street (Classic) but the only difference is I actually took it upon myself to knock on other people's doors. Several shut me out but one family took me in. That family has nurtured me for years. Until today.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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