009. family feud

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The two Walkers and two Lamberts are making their way to their cars after school.

"Hey, do you mind if I pick the music on the ride home?" August asks. "I-I think I might start a music podcast."

"What the hell?" Stella exclaims.

"Wait, uh, what's wrong with that?" August asks.

"No, our car." Stella says, the others spotting the scratch on the car. The two Walkers put their backpacks in the car and Stella rushes in front of a truck, making the boy slam on his brakes.

"Stella!" Taylor shouts, rushing over to her. "What the fuck?" She hisses.

"Hey! You keyed my car because you didn't get your precious parking spot?" Stella asks, ignoring her friend. "What is your problem?" August and Randy stand on the passenger side.

"Oh, you're Stella, right? And you're Arlo or whatever. Yeah, the Walkers." The guy says. "Hear you guys always blame other people for the messes they make, so this tracks. Now just go home. Tell your ranger daddy to arrest me and just get out of my way, okay?"

All four of them head towards the driver's side of the truck.

"You stalk my family online or something?" Stella asks making the guy laugh. "Who are you?"

"Well, I-I'm Colton." He says, sticking his head out the window a little. "And I've heard enough about you to know that you're an entitled little princess, so, please, just get out--" He's cut off as August punches him in the face.

"Oh, shit!" Taylor exclaims.

"Back up." August tells his sister, pushing her and Taylor back.

"Hey, August." Taylor protests.

"Hey!" Stella exclaims.

"It's my problem." August says.

"No! August." Stella says.

"Back up. It's mine." August says.

"August. No!" Stella objects.

"Hey, you want to talk to my sister like that?" August asks Colton who got out of his truck. "Talk to me right now. Let's go." Colton shoves August.

The two start fighting, mostly just shoving each other.

"Go, Augie! Come on, man!" Randy encourages. "Go! Get him, Augie!"

Trey soon comes over and breaks the two boys up.


Cheyenne gets to the high school, making her way to the office. She stops when she runs into the other two parents.

"Oh, no surprise seeing you here." Cheyenne quips to Cordell.

"Is-- is that a knock on my kids?" Cordell asks.

"What? No. It's stating our children being in trouble together is no surprise." Cheyenne says. She looks at the other parent, her jaw falling slack once she recognizes her. "Y-- is--" She glances at Cordell who nods. "Denise Davidson?"

"Hi, Cheyenne." Denise gives her a polite smile.

"Hi." Cheyenne weakly waves. "Wh-what are you--" She frowns.

"My family and I moved back to Austin. Back to the old house." Denise informs.

"Oh." Cheyenne mumbles, glancing at Cordell who awkwardly smiles. "Okay." She quietly says, making her way into the principal's office, the other two quick behind.

~ ~ ~

"They started it." Colton states.

"What? No, no, no. He's lying!" Stella exclaims. The four friends continue to object, all against Colton.

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