Chapter 3: Unraveling Mysteries

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Bakugo and Y/N trudged through the dense underbrush, their footsteps echoing in the stillness of the forest. Though the air was thick with tension, they remained united in their determination to unravel the mystery behind Bakugo's sudden displacement.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the alternate universe, Y/N's mind raced with questions and possibilities. What had caused Bakugo to be torn from his own universe and deposited in this strange and unfamiliar world? And perhaps most importantly, was there a way to reverse the process and send him back home?

Lost in their thoughts, Y/N nearly stumbled over a gnarled root protruding from the forest floor. Catching themselves just in time, they glanced up to find Bakugo watching them with a mixture of irritation and impatience.

"Watch where you're going," he grumbled, his voice sharp with annoyance.

Y/N rolled their eyes at Bakugo's brusque demeanor, their irritation tempered by amusement. "Sorry," they replied dryly, their tone laced with sarcasm. "I'll be sure to send you a memo next time."

Bakugo scowled at Y/N's retort, his temper simmering just beneath the surface. But before he could respond, Y/N held up a hand, a thoughtful expression crossing their features.

"Wait," Y/N said slowly, their voice tinged with excitement. "I think I might have an idea of what caused your displacement."

Bakugo's interest piqued at Y/N's words, his irritation momentarily forgotten. "What do you mean?" he demanded, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Y/N took a deep breath, their minds racing as they pieced together the clues that had been scattered before them. "I think you were caught in some sort of interdimensional rift," they began, their voice steady despite the uncertainty that gnawed at their insides. "It's possible that something or someone from another universe caused the disruption, pulling you into this world against your will."

Bakugo's brow furrowed in confusion as he tried to make sense of Y/N's explanation. "But why me?" he asked, his voice laced with frustration. "What makes me so special?"

Y/N shrugged, their expression thoughtful. "It's hard to say," they admitted. "But whatever the reason, we need to find a way to reverse the process and send you back home."

With renewed determination, Bakugo and Y/N set off into the forest, their minds ablaze with possibilities. Little did they know, their journey to unravel the mystery behind Bakugo's displacement was just beginning, and the challenges that lay ahead would push them to their limits and beyond. But together, they were determined to overcome whatever obstacles stood in their way and find a way back home, no matter the cost.

As Bakugo and Y/N ventured deeper into the heart of the alternate universe, they stumbled upon a series of clues that hinted at the true nature of Bakugo's sudden displacement. Strange anomalies dotted the landscape, their presence unsettling and ominous.

Y/N's eyes narrowed as they surveyed the surroundings, their minds racing with possibilities. "Something isn't right here," they muttered, their voice tinged with unease.

Bakugo scowled at the sight before him, his fists clenched in frustration. "No kidding," he growled, his irritation mounting with each passing moment.

Together, Bakugo and Y/N scoured the area for any signs of what could have caused the disruption. They searched high and low, their determination unwavering even in the face of uncertainty.

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