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Ahhhhhh I'm back fr this time.

Ahhhhhh I'm back fr this time

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April 18th

"Stop fucking following me bruh. Damn ion want nothing to do with you." Sarhya angrily spat at the boy.

"Cmon Sarhya. I was going through something at the time and I had to leave." The boy pleaded

"Raje you wasn't going thru shit. you just truly a bitch ass nigga who don't give a fuck who he hurt in the process. I was in love with you and you pulled a bitch move so It's forever fuck you. Ian no fuck and dip ass ho. So get yo sappy ass the fuck out my face." There was now a group of people surrounding the two.

Sarhya just walked away from the group to come downstairs and get some pretzel bites in the mall, and that's when her ex came to bother her and it sent her overboard.

She was just trynna enjoy last minute shopping with her friends and he had to ruin her day.

"Bruh leave her alone. She apparently don't wanna be bothered by you, so stop harassing her." Some man spoke coming in between the two.

"Ain harassing this bitch. She acting like she too good for me now." He laughed and so did I.

"Oh so now imma bitch but I just wasn't a bitch when you was just trynna get back with me. And I am too good for you bitch."

Noticing the crowd that was formed, the rest of the group went to be messy.

"Is that Sarhya ?" Bryson asked.

"Fuck that. Why tf is that nigga yelling at her like Ion owe him a ass whooping? Man yall move tf out my way" Demari spoke hiking his pants up as he pushed through the crowd of people, making sure not to be too rude.

"You got some nerve trynna talk to her like you own her or something. You keep forgetting I'm supposed to be knocking yo teeth out yo mouth for even thinking you could play in my sister face like she was some ho on the street. Omm Imma catch you bitch." Demari spoke grabbing a shaken up Sarhya and pulled her away from the crowd.

He was even more pissed that he had the audacity to pop up right before her birthday.

"Cmere princess and wipe your face. I know you scared and pissed but imma need you to calm down for me. Ion need you passing out or raising your blood pressure. Can you do that for me" She shook her head yes and did breathing exercises to calm down.

"Man I was having a good fucking day and my bitch ass ex just had to ruin shit bro. I promise I wanna ram his head into a fucking metal pole, but imma let God handle it cuz if I do, I'm going to Jail." She popped her knuckles standing up.

"Don't let him ruin the rest of yo day lil bit. Forget it and let's get you ready for yo big day. We need you to be happy at all times. You got this ?" Bryson asked and Sarhya nodded her head

"yea I got it bubba. Thank yall fr." Kasani grabbed Sarhya hand and led them out of the mall with the group following them.

The group of friends admired the relationship between Sani and Rhya because it was so genuine. They had never seen her get the love she deserved, and for him to come a sweep her off of her feet like that, gave them comfort.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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