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I sat at my desk, working on my uni final; My assignment was due in just a few hours. I had been working non stop for 48 hours, maybe more. Thank god coffee exists. As I typed away, my door suddenly slammed open. I felt arms wrap around my waist as my roommate squeezed me into a hug. My face flushed slightly, "OOHF- Fan?! What the hell?" He giggled and let go of me,

"Sorry! I haven't seen you in years!!"

"Fan, what are you talking about? You saw me yesterday!" I deadpanned.

He whined, "Yeahh, for like two minutes!"

Shutting my laptop, I turn to him. "And? You know I have my assignment."

"You've been working non stop for days, Paintbrush!" He flailed his arms around to accentuate his point. I rolled my eyes, "It hasn't been that long. It's fine." Getting ready to kick him out of my room, I try to turn back to my desk; emphasis on try. Fan grabs my arm, pulling me back to face him, "We are going out today."

"What?! No! I need to finish my work!"

"School sucks, come on!"

I tried to convince him, but I looked into his eyes and realised he wasnt gonna budge. Apprehensively, I agreed, I could never say no to him, "Fine."

At that, his eyes lit up and he grinned dumbly. "Yes!! I win!" I let out an exasperated sigh,

"Yes, Fan. You won. Where are we even gonna go?"

"You'll see, just bring clothes you're not afraid to get wet."


Fan dragged me out of the apartment eagerly. I still had no idea what we were even doing, but I couldn't say the fresh air wasn't nice. The shorts and old band shirt I was wearing didn't help with how cold it was. As I shivered in the breeze, Fan giggled, letting go of my arm. He spread his arms wide as he faced me, grinning widely. He looked like a dork with his oversized glasses and yellow braces.

As I moved my attention away from Fan, I looked behind him.

"Ohhhh.... That explains why you wanted me to wear this."

The waves -cold, rough, aggressive- crashed against the shore. The gray clouds above us swirled around, slowly creeping in.

"Isn't it a bit too cold to go to the beach?"

"Of course not!" He beamed at me. Enthusiastically, he grabbed my hand, pulling me to the shore. I stammered, "ah- wait- no- I can't get my hair wet! I just washed it-" Before I could even finish my sentence, I felt my balance be knocked over by his hands. Splashing into the water, I yelped loudly, feeling my body be drenched in the freezing waves.

I sat up and looked up at Fan, staring daggers at him. "What the hell?! Fan! You piece of-" Water splashed into my face. He snorted at my expression, clutching his stomach like his guts were gonna fall out. "BAHAH- OH MY GOSH- Paintbrush, YOU LOOK SO-"

I used my whole strength to splatter him with water. He gasped and looked down at me. He smirked, "Oh, Paintbrush, YOU'RE ON!!"

Water was thrown everywhere. A huge splash-battle was started between the two of us. It was like an actual war; guns drawn and shooting everywhere. It was loud. The splashing of water and childish giggles filled the beach. I threw water at Fan once more, and suddenly, his whole body weight pounced on top of me. The two of us sank under the water in one swift motion.

Surprisingly, for a few seconds, it was quiet; the coldness of the waves and the warmth of Fan's body on mine was calming in a way. The water gently moved around us. Fan pressed up against me, and I could feel his chest puff up as he held his breath. It was all just so serene.

All of a sudden, My body was carried up.

Gasping for air, I stood up, panting loudly. Fan's heavy breath was beside me. I angrily splashed Fan with water. He just snickered and looked at me, smirking, "How's your hair, Painty?" I hated his teasing tone. I snatched his glasses, "How's your eyes?! Hm?!" He burst out laughing, losing his breath. He grabbed his waist tightly, trying not to fall over. Unfortunately for me, his laughter was contagious, as I began laughing too. I could barely breathe, I was on the brink of falling over.

Soon enough, the clouds that were just peacefully floating above us started falling down. Rain began hitting us like rocks. "Ack! Okay- Time to go!" I grabbed Fan's hand. He looked down at our interlocked hands, his face reddening slightly. We began running up the beach, trying to avoid the rain. The rough droplets crashed down upon us. We jumped into a covered spot, finally out of the bad weather.

Panting heavily, I looked over at Fan, who was panting too. "that was actually... kinda fun."

He beamed at me, "Really?! Yeah! I win again! Two points Fan, zero Paintbrush!" I laughed at his child-like behavior. It was nice having a friend like him; someone who was childish and free. It was a lovely break from being an adult and having work. He was really sweet to be around. I paused my thoughts, realising that I was blushing. I turned away from him.'


The walk home was nice. We stayed under the roofs of the buildings around us. We made it to our apartment building pretty quickly; or at least it felt quick, it probably took us half an hour. We were joking and giggling as we walked into my room. I looked over and saw my computer, still sitting there, the time shining brightly from the screen.

I had 5 minutes.


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