*** (Marisa's POV)
"Let me out! I'm stuck in your pocket!", a high-pitched voice screeched, making my ears ring. A groan escaped my lips, desperate to find a way to make time slow down and allow me to sleep more, before my ringtone went off again.
*But wait, what if that text is from Chuck?* a voice sounded in my head, immediately getting my attention. My head shot up quickly in bed, and my hand flew to reach under my pillow for my phone. Unable to feel for where it was, I looked to the left and right of my zebra-striped pillow, possibly finding my phone that got moved from under my bed while I was sleeping. I still hadn't found it, so I bent over my bed and peered under, looking for the flashing light anywhere. There, in the back corner, was my phone sitting right next to a spiderweb with a large daddy-long-leg sitting dead center. My eyes thinned, as I glared at the spider.
"Always have to make things difficult, don't you, Marisa." I mumbled to myself.
I reached under my bed to grab towards my phone, and my fingers were still about 3 inches away from the phone. I scooted a little further off the bed and leaned forward more, my fingers just barely touching the black and pink owl phone case. I went to go scoot forward some more, when all of a sudden the floor began rushing towards my head.
"Ouch.." I moaned, rubbing the top of my head and just allowing my body to fall to the floor, crumpled up next to my head.
I looked to my left and under the bed, noticing not only had i managed to move my phone from where it was earlier, but I managed to push it further into the corner and right under the legs of the daddy-long-leg.
A sigh escaped my lips, as I tried to sit up and look left and right for something to kill the spider with from a distance.
When I couldn't find anything, I began to stand to wander into my bathroom.
"Let me out! I'm stuck in your pocket!" my ringtone yelled again, allowing an eyeroll to take place over my eyes, before adjusting to the wall that happened to be right in front of my face.
"Mother-fu-" I began, before hearing "Marisa! Watch your language!" bellow from downstairs. Grumbling to myself, I take a step back and begin to (finally) walk into my bathroom.
I walked past the sink on the right, the shower to my left, and continued walking forwards towards the toilet.
Once I reached the toilet, I stretched my arm out to behind it and opened the small cupboard, before grabbing the flyswatter.
Once I returned to my room (safely), I bent at my knees and began to lower myself near the bed, so I could swat at the spawn-of-satan (AKA, spider).
I reached forward and pulled the flyswatter up a few inches, before slamming it back down through the air and on the floor.
Raising my head to get a better look at what I (think that I) had killed, my head was slammed against the metal casing that held my mattress up.
And once again, a *bang* echoed through the air.
My vision swarmed, everything getting darker for a second, before going back to normal.
Well, not necessarily normal considering I had a huge knot on the back of my head, but nothing I couldn't deal with.
Forgetting about the spider for a second, I began to scoot my butt out a few inches before my ears began ringing.
"Let me out! I'm stuck in your pocket!"
Closing my eyes for a second, I fumed. Sure, I was clumsy, and maybe a little short on the common sense side, but it was never this much of a struggle to get my phone.
I gave up on grabbing my phone for a second, and jumped up before getting lightheaded. A long sigh escaped my lips while I waiting for the dizziness to fade.
When I was finally ready to leave for school, I just then realized that I really wasn't ready.
I ran back up the stairs to my room, yanked my bed away from the wall a few feet, and reached down for my phone.
Of course, my fingers never touched my phone. They touched something much lighter, smaller, and scarier. A yelp escaped my mouth as I jumped up, my eyes rounding to the size of golf balls.
I growled a bit (that's right, I growled) and reached for the flyswatter I abandoned earlier. I yanked it back and flung it so hard, I'm surprised I didn't break my wrist.
--flick of the wrist--
I beat the spawn-of-satan for (I swear-) 3 minutes straight, when I heard the sound of the bus braking down the road.
--wheels on the bus go round and--
My eyes widened a fraction of an inch again, before I threw myself at my phone and down the stairs.
Of course, I never happen to have the best luck, so I ended up upside-down on the last stair, lying on my back. And then I heard the bus start moving again, and I remembered how I landed there in the first place.
--round, all through the--
I kicked off the stairs with my feet, doing a flip (relying solely on my head to hold my body up) and landed back on my feet, before straightening up and grabbing my stuff, running out the door.
And, of course, I've never had the best luck, so I ended up throwing my phone (which just so happened to have a squished spawn-of-satan on it) at the head of the person in front of me on the bus, who just so happened to be my bus driver, with a scream belting out of my mouth.
And a suspension from my only way to school.
Hey beauties ❤️ sorry I haven't written in a while, I've just been really busy...Okay okay sorry I was lazy but I mean come on, you've put something off for 7 months before too, right?
No? Just me? Oh.. Ok then.. I guess I'll just have to try harder then ;)
I have school in 4 hours and instead of sleeping, here I am for you guys, typing up a whole 1107 words for you guys. Be grateful, jeez, people.
Jk, I love you guys XD
and now I'm rambling sooo yeh imma just go now? XD love you guys ❤️

Internal Desires
Teen FictionI covered my mouth to hide my shock, my eyes squinting to stop the tears that were streaming down my face. The pain of not knowing what I could do to stop it was killing me, the pain in my chest growing with every second passing by as I heard someth...