Chapter 4

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"Come on hun, are you really that slow?"

Lucifer was running through trees, looking panicked, tears rolling down his face as the branches and thorns cut up his legs and arms, but he couldn't stop, not yet...

"I'm right here!"

Lucifer turned left, then right, finding the sorce of the voice, it's all too familiar, yet it's so distant.

Lucifer keeps running, his feet sore from running on the rough ground. Finally, he sees what he's chasing, Lilith...

"I'm right here! Lilith, I'm here!"
Lucifer cries out as he grabs onto Lilith's shoulder, but as she turns around, her face is gone.


Lucifer wakes up with a start, almost hitting his head on the desk still pinning him. He's face soaked with tears and shaking.

"Another nightmare..."
Lucifer thinks to himself, resting his head on his arm again. He's still not healed, his arm healing, but he can now feel the pain in his leg. Lucifer looks up and does a double take, Alastor is asleep, static around him gets louder each second.


"Remember what I taught you dear, add the chicken before the rice, you get a better texture that way!"

Alastor mixed up the pot, adjusting his glasses to see . He's always loved cooking. He just never had the time.

"Then, add the salt and pepper, then we're done!"
A middle-aged woman pours in some other ingredients as Alastor puts in the salt and pepper, looking fondly at the woman next to him. He's never liked Jambalaya all that much, but his mother liked it, so he didn't put up a fuse.

Alastor heard the door click closed, signaling someone was home, he instantly paused, stopping his stirring as he looked behind him, his father was home...

His father came in. He was big and fit, ideal for a man, he's blond with a big beard, straps and everything, everyone in the town looked up to him, if only they knew what he was really like...

Alastor has most traits of his mother, darker skin, black hair, and her exact nose. He was happy with his features, but his father wasn't. He didn't think Alastor was a 'man' like he was supposed to, and nothing he did was good in his eyes, so Alastor learned that nothing would impress him, so he doesn't try anymore.

His mother, the sweetest person on his plant, was walked all over by this man. She was black, and by 1930 stand point, nothing in the eyes of the people. Alastor's father married her for the money, she ownd many caddle, and they make money from it.

"Hello hun, I made dinner!"

Alastor's dad ignored her, grabbing a plate and a spoon and pouring himself a few spoonfuls onto his plate, heading back into his room.

"Would you like to eat out here today?"

Alastor's dad snapped around, getting mad like a coin flip.

"Don't you tell me what I should do, woman!"

He walked forward, smacking Alastor's mom right in the face, knocking her back. As he yelled, his breath smelled of alcohol, presuming he was drunk.

"Don't forget your worth, your nothing without me, so he grateful I'm not treating you worse for talking back!"

As Alastor's dad was yelling at his mother, he couldn't help but feel furious. How dare someone he called a 'father' treat his mother that way? He crept away, grabbing one of his fathers hunting guns and walking back, putting the gun to the back of his head.

Alastor pulled the trigger, and everything seemed to go blank for a moment. When he came back to reality, he saw his mother shaking his father as he lay on the ground, blood spilling from his head.

"Darell! Wake up! Alastor, what did you do!?"
She was crying, shaking her now deceased husband, crying with blood all over her yellow dress and face.

Alastor couldn't bring himself to move, blood slowly dripping down his face as he watched the blood spill from his father's head. He promised himself he wouldn't ever fall in love, so he never had to do this again.


Alastor woke up as his static got louder, looking around frantically as he touched his face, trying to feel for the blood on his face. When he didn't feel anything, he calmed down slightly.

Alastor sees Lucifer awake, and he looks down, embarrassed that he looked too vulnerable in that moment, but he was a mess, still shaken by his dream. Lucifer was watching Alastor, seeing how distressed he looked.

"Everything ok Al-"

"Everything's fine. Stop taking to me."
Alastor didn't know why he snapped back like that, but he wanted to he alone, but he was still healing his head, so he couldn't teleport away.

"Wanna talk about it?"
Lucifer asked after a moment, Alastor was ready to shut the idea down, but he couldn't say anything.

"You had a bad dream, I'm guessing?"

Alastor nods, the static finally going down a little bit as he collects himself.

"I did too, so I guess we're both up this late. Want to hear mine?"
Alastor nodded again, less obviously.

"Well, I was running through the forest, thorns and branches scratching at my legs and arms, but couldn't stop. I just wanted to find the voice of the girl I was running to."

"When I got to her, she didn't have a face, but I could tell who it was..."

"Who was it?"

"Lili- uh, some random girl..."
Lucifer answered, not wanting to answer honestly.

Alastor saw right through the lie, but he was too tired and shaken up to try and fire something cocky back. Lucifer saw how distressed Alastor looked and gestured for him to come over.
"Come come."

Alastor was confused, but slowly moved over, suddenly, Lucifer' hand reaches up and starts petting one of Alastor's ears, to which Alastor instantly snapped his head away.

He hated being touched. His father made him that way, and he scooted back, looking pissed.
"Don't do that again..."

"I'm just trying to help you."
Lucifer responded, not being fazed by Alastor at all. Alastor thought about it. He hated being touched, but maybe it can he ok?

Alastor slowly lowered his head again, to which Lucifer started rubbing one of his ears with his fingers. It felt odd, but soon felt amazing. He'd never let another soul do this, only his mother, so why was he so ok with Lucifer touching him when he hated anyone else.

As Alastor was thinking, he subconsciously leaned into Lucifer's hand, sighing softly as he closed his eyes, feeling comfortable against his better judgment, he didn't care what Lucifer thought of him at that moment, he just wanted the amazing feeling of Luci- the pets.

Alastor soon felt tired again and laid down on Lucifer's arm, looking uncomfortable any time Lucifer stopped the petting to get him to continue, as he was half asleep, he felt a warm and small press on his forehead, it reminded him of his mother, so he naturally leaned into it, soon falling asleep once again...

Words: 1184

|woah, all done! I'm so sorry this took so long, but hopefully, I could feed you my children. Enjoy the Alastor back story!|

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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