talking ❤️

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Of course. I always have to move in the middle of the school year its like are renters know when i start ti have friends and make us just poof like what the hell?I feel kind of bad for freaking out in mom when she told me i know it wasn't her fault but still i mean if she would fight with the guy i don't think we would be moving but still ohhh no she has to try and flirt i mean for the live of god woman your out of your prime choose violence . If you cant tell im still upset and guess the fuck what i haven't even told ny friends there gonna be so upset and i have to get used to new teachers and a new set up and new notes and new everything god this stresses me the fuck out. -the next morning- I texted my friends last night but fell asleep before they could reply so i woke io a whole bunch to text after text cussing me out asking why being worried like a good person unlike the rest getting mad at me. I guess this is how mom felt it wasn't her fault but i blamed her i mean i guess i don't know. I was in the middle of packing and i was packing up my books and i realized im gonna have to find more people to talk about my books to new people where never my thing i got used to it moving my whole life hut i kind of never loved it but thats whatever we where moving on Sunday it was Friday and i just started packing so i was started out but Sunday came around and i was all packed up no worry's at all the truck was loaded and i was upset i was leaving but it was okay i didn't like this house anyways i told mom i actually loved it it was a good neighborhood  close to a basketball i have good at that one thing i was good at i was also good at art and all of that i think i got that from being bored for hours waiting fir mom to get home from work when i was little but i mean thats whatever i packed up all my drawings and stuff my friends gave me it wasn't that bad actually. Packing is hell for me most times but i was for some reason happy to leave? Once i got to the new school i walked in on the first day in the middle of the fucking year "sit there" the teacher said i kindly "okay" the girl i sat by jokingly said "i don't bite or do i?" as soon as i sat down clearly scarring me she looked guilty "i promise you im kidding my names maría whats yours? when did you move here? where are you from?" "maría stop asking so many questions your gonna stress her out" her friend said "no no its okay i understand im from here i just move towns a lot but um mom says we might stay here for a while but i don't know uh where are you guys from?" "im from Spain" María said "Im from here i lived with her my whole life due to.. stuff!" "fun!!" i said to her back as i sat down "wanna try and copy some notes?" they both said at the same time "haha jinx mof" "fuck of- shit can we cuss around you?" "yeah i don't care its okay i promise um do you guys have the schedule ?" "no you will get your own that will also be when you get your locker number and code and all of that stuff we should have almost the same because where in the same grade and where the same age and if we get along the teacher will put us together and i can helo you and-" "stop stressing her out" "its okay theres just a lot to take in a promise i just new school im always like this" "okay well if they don't give you your schedule for 8 minutes im kidd napping you!" she said i voice

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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