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As you made your way inside you walked by a guy with green hair who was falling, about to hit the ground. You got worried but quickly saw a girl with short brown hair stop him mid-fall.

You laughed at the flustered state of the guy. "Interesting quirk." You thought. You weren't a complete genius, but you were smart. You thought it would be important to try to memorize people's faces and their quirks because you were more than likely going to go against them.

You made your way through the doors and there were hundreds of students. It was so crowded, but you tried to quickly make your way through. You weren't a big fan of crowded places. Being closed in by many people made the room hot and sweaty, it was uncomfortable, but you sucked it up and continued making your way through.

After a couple of minutes, you were seated as well as the rest of the people. You saw the voice hero Present Mic make his way up to the stage to explain the exam. "Are you all ready for this?!" he exclaimed. Absolutely no one answered.

He tried once more. "I said are you readyyyyy??!!"

Nope. Same response.

You cringed at the awkwardness.

"Tough crowd huh, anyways let me get to the point." he continued. You heard a dude mumbling and looked down in front of you to see the same green hair from before. "Oh it's that flustered guy." you thought.

Present Mic went on talking about the rules and how to get points. Suddenly, a tall guy stood up and spoke. "Excuse me, but you said there are three types of villains. However, in our paper it shows four. Is this a mistake? If so, that is very unprofessional on behalf of the school. Also, you," he turned around and pointed at the green haired boy.

"Stop muttering, it's distracting." he finished saying. The rest of the people laughed.

"Ah, that would be because that villain isn't worth any points. Think about it as an obstacle." Present Mic explained. The tall guy bowed and thanked him for explaining. Once Present Mic was done talking he wished us luck and it was time to go out.


You were standing in front of two huge doors waiting to begin the exam. You and everyone else were warming up. You wore a pair of leggings, sports shirt, and good running shoes. Your hair wasn't too long but not too short either. You were usually able to braid it and tie it up. (You decide whatever you want to do with your hair! Sorry it's kind of hard to decide on one hair length that would work for all of you 🥲) You quickly put your hair out of the way so you can do your best with no distractions. You took one last big chug from your water bottle and heard a loud voice.

"Well what are you waiting for?!" You all hear Present Mic yell. "There are no countdowns in villain attacks, go!!" and so it began.

You ran straight forward following many of the teens next to you. A big robot appeared in front of you, "2 points!" you exclaimed. You put your to hands together and separated them summoning some water. "Sucks for you that you're robots." you said. You stretched out your arms and the water went forward with force. You made sure to get the water inside every crack and hole of the robot. You saw as it slowly started to glitch and twitch as the water messed with its system. It finally fell down in defeat. "Nice." you told yourself. You looked around to see some people taking down other robots. "Now's my chance." you said. Summoning water on your own took a lot of energy, it was better to already have some source of water near you to use.

Lucky for you, sweat is inevitable in a fight. You stretched your arms by your sides and lifted them over your head. As you did so, the sweat from the people near you floated up in the air above their heads. "What the-" you heard a dude say before he got hit by a robot. Everyone looked around confused for a few seconds because they felt dry. You joined all the sections of floating sweat into one big amount of it and continued to run. Was it gross, yeah, but it was useful and that's all that mattered.

You took down every robot that you possibly could as you ran, maintaining the sweat you collected near you. You took a right and saw a big explosion. A guy with blonde hair was sweating profusely. He had a menacing look and was smiling like he was proud of his work. There were plenty of destroyed robots around him. "Dang" you whispered to yourself. Suddenly, a robot appeared behind you. It was worth three points so you quickly got to work. It was bigger than the others so you needed more water. You turned and quickly took the sweat of the blonde guy. "HUH?" he exclaimed loudly. You used the same technique that you used on the other robots and took it down.

"You brat! Who do you think you are using me for taking down a robot? I'll kill-" but before the blonde boy could finish, a gigantic robot appeared. His attention went towards it and he stopped talking to you. "What's up with him?" you thought to yourself. You turned around to see what he was looking at and your eyes widened. As you made your way to the gigantic robot you saw the boy with green hair jumping up and punching it straight in it's face. "Ouch, I know that hurt." you winced. The robot fell back wards. The boy was falling down and just before you were about to go help him, the same girl with brown hair caught him from falling to the ground.

"You guys okay?" you asked them both. "Yeah, thank you!" the girl with brown hair responded. The poor guy was on the ground until the school nurse Recovery Girl helped him.


You were in a hotel while you waited for the exam results to come back. You didn't live in Japan, but you didn't want to move there until knowing for sure that you got accepted into UA. Your parents were not with you, they couldn't accompany you because it would be too much money. You were only sixteen, but you were capable of looking out for yourself, you were really responsible. About a week later, you received an envelope.

You called your parents and put them on facetime. "It's here!!" you yelled in excitement.

"Go on and open it sweetie!!" your mother said. Your hands shaked as you opened the envelope. An image of All Might appeared and told you that you have been accepted into UA. "OH MY GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT" you yelled out the top of your lungs. Your parents congratulated you and you all cried tears of joy. Your first step to becoming a hero was complete.

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