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I made it back home and was exhausted, emotionally not only was I moving into my dead fathers house but also from reuniting with my childhood friends, and physically from the drive up here. I get myself ready for bed, throw another log on the fire and get comfy under my covers. As I drift to sleep I see Waynes smiling face. 

I was at Waynes place. Dan, Dary, Katy and I were playing in the snow. Wayne was mad at Dary from throwing a snowball at him and he started a fight. The look on Wayne's face was so serious though, and I couldn't stop laughing. I was laughing so hard tears started running down my cheeks. It was so fun. But the tears kept flowing, I could feel a pain rise in my chest, the sky grew dark and I was alone. I turned to run, I got to the end of the laneway and Wayne was there. “I don’t want you to go,” he said.
I was in a car now looking out the window and all my friends, but couldn't see their eyes. My face is hot and my throat burns, I'm screaming “Don’t leave me, NO! I don't want to go!” I saw Wayne chase after me as he shrunk in the distance. 

I sit up fast covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Looking around I see it's still dark out, and its cold. The fire had died down to coals. I catch my breath and shake my head. Getting up I grab a couple logs next to the fireplace and lay them in. I sit back down on my bed and watch the fire catch. After a few deep breaths I check my phone. It's 4am. Reaching my arms up I stretch, “Well there is no going back to sleep after that.” I reason with myself. “Might as well get ready for the day.” I get up and grab my flashlight I had brought up the night before. Clicking the button the bright light illuminates the empty house. “Alright then-” the flashlight flickers and then goes out. “Shit.” I curse under my breath. I throw the useless flashlight on my bed and grab my phone, shaking it to get the light on. “Well at least the power and water should be on today” I lift my arm and smell, “Whoo I need a shower.” I chuckle to myself and head to the basement. 

Rummaging through the boxes marked tools I grab the things I'll need for my work and haul them upstairs. I put on a sports bra and jeans, and throw on the t-shirt I slept in. Sliding my shoes on and grabbing my jacket on the way out the door. Reaching into my jacket pocket I find my truck keys. Unlocking the truck I jump in and start ‘er up. I hug myself shivering waiting for the truck heat to start working its magic, “Come on.” rubbing my arms I am still trying to shake that dream. 

I pull out of the laneway and head into town, to the 24/7 gas station for a couple energy drinks and a pack of smokes. Though I dont really smoke..I could really use one right now. I pull up and park, leaving the truck running. I grab what I need and start heading back. 

By the time I get back to the house it's about 6am and the sun is coming up. Finally I’ll be able to start working. 

*It's been a while but I'm back, I should have a couple more parts soon, thanks so much for reading hope y'all enjoy it"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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