23 - Devin

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***Mature Content***

The entire night I had wanted his hands on me. All night. And now that I stood before him, slightly shorter now that my heels were in a pile across the hallway, I knew he wanted that too.

Sure, I'd stopped drinking because I wanted to look out for Blake and Oscar who I was starting to call close friends. But this was the real reason. I knew Lando didn't want me, he's made that clear. But he'd made it very clear that his body at least did. And I know he would never kiss me if I were drunk. He'd never touch me if I were drunk.

But I'd needed him to touch me earlier at the club. Need it still.

"Do you still hate me?" his voice is low as he asks, his minty breath fanning my ear.

I shake in apprehension. "Yes."


Lando grabs the back of my neck with one hand and my hip with the other, pulling my entire body flush to his as he kisses me with a fever I never knew about him. Pure need, pure lust. And anger, it tasted good on him

I moan onto his lips and he takes the opportunity and swipes his tongue into my mouth, kissing me deeper. I move my hands into his hair and his curls furl through my fingers. His hands grip me tight and against my hip, I feel him hard for me. Just like he was earlier in the club against my ass.

"I need," I try and say and Lando moves to press his lips to my neck, the parts of my exposed chest. My thoughts die in my throat when his lips lightly nip at the sensitive spot where my neck meets my shoulder. I gasp. I start to need him for support and he holds me tighter, keeping me upright and pressed against him.

"Need what Dev?" he groans into my chest. "Tell me what you want."

I move both my hands to the sides of his face and pull his mouth back to mine, deepening the kiss again. We both fight for dominance, neither of us wanting to give in. Even like this, we're fighting. Even as his hand slides up the outside of my thigh and pushes the material of my dress higher on my hip we're arguing.

He pushes me, forcing me to step back but never takes his lips from mine. My back hits the wall behind me and Lando cages my head with his arms, breaking the kiss. His hips pin my body to the wall and I lift one leg to wrap it around him, drawing him closer to where I need him.

"You were always so good at begging Dev," I roll my hips and he grans at the friction. Lando's eyes search mine and I realize we've both changed a lot in the time we've been apart. I might have not had sex since I was last with him. But he has. We were both relatively inexperienced when we'd last done this. He wasn't. Not anymore. "Beg for it. Tell me what you want." Lando's hands move to push my dress up fully over my hips, revealing my black lace panties. He looks down at the bunched-up material in his hands, then below it. His eyes are green like a dark forest, the lightness in them gone when he looks at me again. "Tell me, Dev."

I wanted this. I wanted this with him. Before I'm gone, I need him.

"I need you to fuck me, Lando Norris."

He doesn't say anything else as he smashes his lips against mine again, not bothering with light tender kisses. His hands grip my hips and one hand slowly slides up my clothed back, tracing a line of goosebumps along my skin. He grinds his hips on mine and I whimper at the need for more. He pulls me away from the wall and together we take a few more steps away from the door as if we both know there is no running from this tonight.

Lando's hand reaches the top of the zipper on my dress and slides it down at an agonizingly slow pace. Two fingers hold the zipper, and another finger trails against my skin, spreading more goosebumps across the expanse of my back.

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