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We see Izuku and his Team Boarding a Jet as he see's Wonder Woman,Supergirl,Blackfire and Zatanna

Wonder Woman: Hey Izuku

Izuku: Hey Girls 

Blackfire: we were assigned to your Team

Barbara: That's Good the More the Merrier 

Harley: In more ways than one

Ivy: Not the Time Harley

Eri: what's that mean

Tony: It means-

Inko: Tony don't finish that sentence 

Tony: Yes maam

Jason: Kick some Ass Son

Izuku: I will

Billy: Who's flying

Tony: I will

Jaime: I call co Pilot 

Izuku: Well lets go

They all said good Bye to the others Loaded up and Headed out as Tony had the plane on Auto Pilot

Izuku: Ugh

Zatanna: Your not happy

Izuku: can you blame me 

Barbara: his Ex Friends were assholes betraying him 

Supergirl: yea well they aren't his friends anymore 

Blackfire: I say have a Match against them and show them who's boss 

Wonder Woman: could you even call it a Match 

Jaime; hell No 

Izuku: i'd Decimate them 

Eri: Daddy is the strongest

Billy: so how do we deal with the Obvious threat 

Izuku: Well first 

Eri: Daddy Look

They saw Penny on eri's back as Eri was giving her a Piggy back ride and she was laughing 

Penny: Thanks Nee-tan 

Izuku: *Smiles* That's adorable "Victor I hope you and Nora are watching"

Barbara: *Smiles*

Izuku: Okay first we need to free Shigaraki from All For One then take him down

Wonder Woman: What if We Can't Free Shigaraki

Izuku Pulled out a Gun and Put it on The table

Izuku: Then I use this I know All For One is using him and will use him as a Vessel if that happens we'll have no choice

Zatanna: You won't need to because with Magic I could Free him easily 

Supergirl: and we can take down Bitch For One 

Blackfire: Nice

Wonder Woman: Agreed

Izuku: Thanks Girls *Smiles*

The Girls Blushed as Barbara,Ivy,Harley smirked and whisperd to the girls

IzukU: What

Girls: We love you Please be our Boyfriend 

Izuku: *Smirks* Sure

They smiled and Kissed Izuku as he kissed back

Barbara: He's Officially the Harem King

Harley: That makes you the Harem Queen since your BI and fucked me and Ivy

Eri/Penny: Whats That/Tat

Izuku: Harley

Harley: Oh Crumbs 

Everyone laughed as Izuku had to teach his daughters not to repeat that as we cut to All Might 

AM: I have to make it up to Izuku but how 

AM looked at a Photo he saw on the news of Izuku as Red Hood and Barbara as All Might Smirked and Made a Phone call

AM: Hey David

David: I told you not to call after you be-

AM: You still working on that project for people to walk

David: Yes

AM: if she were to consent to it would you perform it on Izuku's girlfriend

David: It hasn't been tested

AM: Okay *BANG*

David: WHAT TH-


David: Ugh I'll be there 


Nezu: HA It's a Cripple 

AM: "I hope with this Izuku can give me a chance"




THEN-GIRLS DATES (Zatnna,Wonder Woman,Supergirl and Blackfire)

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