Running for our lives!

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The only sounds that could be heard were twigs snapping under feet and panting as the 7 teenagers ran for their lives from the black figure that was quickly gaining speed behind them.

"Time?!" The redhead in the front of the group yelled back.

"8 minutes!" A strawberry blonde boy yelled back after checking his watch, he was wielding a gun over his shoulder.

The h/c haired girl let out a small sigh of relief that was immediately cut off by the sound of footsteps closing in behind the group, they were running out of time. It was closing in on them. Fast. The graveyard walls were just in sight as they were getting to the opening of the forest.

The group progressively sped up as the sound of footsteps grew louder and louder until it was right behind them. The redhead finally got into the gate, followed by the h/c haired girl then an ashy haired brunette boy and a brunette girl, with a blonde boy and the strawberry blonde right behind them.

"Close the gate! Close the gate!" A brunette boy yelled when the creature right behind him, the redhead slammed her hand on the button and the group watched the demon like creature close into the gate, closer, and closer, its face was right at the gate when it finally closed and the whole group let out a sigh of relief as their shoulders finally relaxed.

Banging could be heard from outside of the gate as the phantom tried desperately to make its way in, to the children.

"Alright, let's head to the bus" the redhead, Ashlyn, suggested.

"Good idea!" The h/c haired girl, y/n, agreed.


"Ughhhh.." the brunette boy, Tyler, whined. "That sucked."

Bang bang bang bang bang bang


Ashlyn paused for a moment. She had been massaging her feet from the long run a few moments earlier, she slightly smiled. "Ah, the banging stopped"

"It probably gave up or-" Tyler slightly hesitated "someth.." he froze as he stared frightened at the door of the bus, as did the h/c haired girl on the floor a few feet from him.

Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked to see what had stopped him from finishing his thought, when they looked up at the door to see pitch black grimy fingers wrapped around the side of the bus door.

"Shit shit shit shit shit go!" Y/n practically shoved the blonde boy, Aiden, towards the back of the bus, since he was standing there dumbly.

They all crowded towards the back of the bus and stared at the problem that they were facing. Not only were the weapons in the front, right next to the phantom. They were defenseless.

Ashlyn stood in the front of everyone, y/n grabbing her shoulder on her right, the strawberry blonde, Logan, was on Ashlyn's left, Aiden was behind y/n gripping her arm and grinning maniacally, tyler was behind Aiden, with Taylor, his twin sister, gripping onto him for dear life, Ben, was right behind Logan.

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