Ch 32: Emrys and Elo

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A/n Idk why this ch didn't publish before the Epilogue.

In the Kingdom of Aetheria, where the sky stretched endlessly in hues of blue and green, Dion, the Queen, sat with her lover, Leila, discussing the uncertainties of the future.

Even though Jeroen was burnt to ashes, Dion's heart weighed heavy with guilt. Leila, ever the reassuring presence, held Dion close, reminding her that fate is beyond their control.

As they gazed out of the arched windows, the moonlight danced upon the rippling waters of the palace gardens below. Dion's mind, however, was far from the tranquil scenery. She was troubled by the weight of her responsibilities as a Queen, feeling a heavy burden upon her shoulders for not being able to protect her kingdom as she desired.

Leila, noticing Dion's emotions, reached out and gently clasped her cold yet comforting hand. "Dear, you cannot blame yourself for the challenges we face. The future is unpredictable, and we must navigate it with everything we have," She whispered softly, the sweetness of her voice resonating within Dion's ear, like a delicate melody in the stillness of the night.

Dion sighed, leaning her head against Leila's shoulder. "I know, but I can't shake this feeling of guilt."

Leila pressed a tender kiss to Dion's forehead. "We will face whatever comes together, as we always have."

Dion found comfort in Leila's words, feeling a sense of reassurance washed over her. For a moment, they remained in silence, basking in the warmth of their shared embrace.

Suddenly, their tranquility was shattered by a frantic knocking on the chamber's door. Rosaline, burst in, her expression wrought with urgency.

"Forgive the interruption, but it is urgent," Rosaline exclaimed, her voice breathless with urgency.

Dion's heart quickened with concern. "What is it, Ros?"

"It's Anna," Rosaline replied, her voice trembling. "She's on the verge of giving birth."

Dion's pulse quickened with a surge of anxiousness. Without hesitation, Dion rose from her seat, her mind racing with concern for Anna's well-being.

"We must go to her at once," Dion declared, her voice firm with determination.

Leila nodded in agreement, her own expression filled with worry. Together, they hastened towards Anna's chambers, their footsteps echoing through the silent corridors of the palace.

Upon reaching Anna's room, they found Naza and Ada, the kingdom's most skilled healer, already in attendance. Shanika, stood outside the door, holding Kleo in her arms.

Inside the room, Anna was laying upon her bed, her face contorted in pain as she gripped the sheets tightly. Ada worked tirelessly to ease her suffering, while Naza and Dion stood by her side, offering words of encouragement.

Leila approached Anna's bedside, her heart heavy with concern. "Anna, we are here. You are not alone."

Anna's face softened at the sound of Leila's voice, her eyes filled with gratitude to see the presence of the familiar faces in the room.

As the hours passed, the tension in the room mounted with each passing moment. Dion's anxiety grew with each pained cry that echoed through the chamber, her thoughts consumed by worry for Anna and her unborn children.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Anna's cries were replaced by the soft sounds of newborns' cries. Ada's skilled hands worked swiftly as she guided the infants into the world, their arrival met with a mixture of relief and joy.

Dion's heart swelled with emotion as she caught sight of the newborns, their tiny forms cradled in Anna's trembling arms. Their hair was a vibrant shade of pink, and their eyes gleamed with a mesmerizing hue of blue, resembling Jacklyn's bright orbs, speckled with crimson like precious gems.

Anna's eyes filled with tears as she gazed upon her children for the first time, overwhelmed with love and exhaustion. She caught a fleeting reflection of Jacklyn in her children's luminous eyes, and in that moment, for the first time since Jacklyn's passing, Anna smiled through tears, feeling a bittersweet warmth fill her heart.

Dion felt a lump form in her throat as she watched her friend, her own emotions threatening to overcome her.

But amidst the joyous occasion, a shadow of uncertainty lingered in the air. Anna's strength waned with each passing moment, her eyelids growing heavy with exhaustion.

"Anna, stay with us," Dion pleaded, her voice choked with emotion. "You must not give up."

Anna's gaze met Dion's, her eyes filled with emotions. "I have fought for as long as I can, Dion," she knew her children would be safe in the hands of those present. She trusted them with her life.

Dion's heart ached at Anna's words, her mind racing with fear for her friend's well-being. Naza stepped forward, her voice filled with gentle reassurance.

"Anna, you are stronger than you realize. We will be here for you every step of the way," Naza vowed, her words filled with unwavering determination.

With one final effort, Anna summoned the last of her strength, planting a tender kiss on each of her children's foreheads, whispering their names with a loving breath.

Emrys and Elo.

As Elo cooed in response to her mother's kiss, Emrys's tiny hands reached out, gently touching his mother's weathered face, a poignant moment of connection between mother and child.

As Anna drifted into unconsciousness, Ada felt a sense of helplessness washed over her. She longed to ease her friend's suffering, to offer her comfort in her time of need. But all she could do was stand by Anna's side, offering silent prayers for her recovery.

And as the room fell into a hushed silence, Dion vowed to remain steadfast in her commitment to her friend and her kingdom, no matter the challenges that lay ahead. For in the face of uncertainty, love and friendship would always be their greatest strength.

Anna was gently placed in a specially designed coffin under Ada's spell, her form lying still as if in peaceful slumber. Though her breath had ceased, her body remained suspended in a deep sleep, as if caught in a timeless embrace. Beside her, rested Jacklyn's coffin, a silent reminder of the bond they shared while alive.

As they looked upon Anna's still form, the weight of their loss hung heavy in the air. The pain of losing a mate transcended the boundaries of life and death, lingering like a haunting echo in their hearts.

Yet, despite the uncertainty of what the future held, they remained by Anna's side, and as they stood vigil over her resting form, they clung to the hope that one day, she would awaken from her slumber, ready to embrace the new dawn that awaited her.

BOOK I: A Beating Heart(G!P)Where stories live. Discover now