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Ring ring

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Ring ring...

Ahhhh stopp ittt

A girl scream in frustration beacause her alarm clock ringing again and again and she finally throw the clock on floor

Then she realised and up wake up her hairs was messy and she looks little nervous she saw her phone

Where are you miss late comer?

Stilll sleeping?

Wake up ISHA!!!

Time:- 8:20

Her eyes pop out

She:- shit...shit..shit...
I have college at 9 and again late todays mr ice cube going to burn me alive 🙃

She goes inside washroom and does her morning routine and came to living area and saw slience no one was present, she knows why she goes toward kitchen and saw breakfast and a letter

She read

I am going, eat your breakfast and don't forget to lock the door and keep the keys safely

She sign

She didn't eat the food and lock the main door and place the keys safely in her bag.. her busy already missed so she run toward her college while running

She to god

Good morning god, sorryyy a veryyy bad morning whyyy whyyy I'm soo lazzyyy whyy? Againnn I'm late.. like always he will scold me give me punishment whyyy alwaysss me??

She finally reached, and goes toward her class

But she saw her professor, who is wearing a white shirt and black pant, he has hazel eyes which shows the coldness and concentration toward his work means teaching his lips are pink light pink but he never smile

She:- May i came in Mr Malhotra

He listen her voice and trun toward her..

Mr Malhotra:- again late miss verma

He said with irritating voice

She:- sorry mr kabir

Kabir:- come in.. i don't have time to waste on you
Go and sir on your seat miss isha

Isha goes and sit on her seat and saw her Bestfriend who is glaring at her already

Kabir start teaching

Isha:- why are you glaring at me liza

Liza:- then what i should i do? Again late i mean seriously isha..

Isha:- sorry

Liza:- go to the hell with your sorry

Isha:- I was watching series at night and slept at 3 sorry.. plz forgive me pobo

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