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Since the dawn of human civilisation, there have been those that are different. They have been able to harness the power of the world, the elements. These elements have been known to disrupt the balance of nature, war, and life itself, since their first use by the elementalists of old. Extreme weather events and even natural disasters mistaken by the general populous to be naturally occurring are often due to the backlash caused by battle between powerful elementalists. Many of these dangerous occurrences have been covered up by the various governing bodies of the known world to quell the general populous fears of the true danger that elements possess. Almost all of history surrounding elements has been altered and rewritten, by these governing entities including the Church, local and world governments and even royalty to mask the true foundations of which society is built upon.

Elementalists can be born into their power or in rare cases, have it materialised within themselves in the midst of immense emotions or sporadically throughout one's early life. The elements themselves tend to mimic the combination of a person's personality, past, family history and culture which gives rise to the differing elements of which an individual can use. There are multiple institutions that have been dedicated to the better understanding of elements and elementalists themselves, which have garnered support and success to various degrees. Though there is a common consensus between all of elemental society, about the understanding of the elements and how they can be used for good and for evil.

There have been ten separate elements which have been utilised by humans for all of recorded history. Ranging from fire to ice, water to light, these figures of the natural world have granted people the power of their element. Starting from a mere power emanating from one's fist to the element encompassing one's whole being to be manifested at ones will. These elements have and always will determine the balance of the earth itself. However, there have been various cases where there has been a secret element, an eleventh element hidden in the shadows. For where there is light there is darkness, as the saying goes. This element, so ominous and powerful, had been thought lost to time, until now.

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