The world behind the prison walls

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The courtroom buzzed with anticipation, every eye fixed on Macarena, seated at the defendant's table. Beside her stood Inspector Castillo, his presence was a silent reassurance to her.
Macarena's heart raced as her lawyer and Castillo presented a mountain of evidence, each document a testament to her innocence. For a moment, it seemed like freedom was within her grasp.
The judge leaned forward, his gaze scrutinizing the papers laid out before him. Macarena held her breath, her pulse thundering in her ears.
"Almost there," she whispered to herself, imagining a life beyond the prison walls.
But then, like a sudden gust of wind extinguishing a flickering flame, the judge's expression darkened. He raised an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing as he examined Castillo's statements.
Macarena's heart sank. She knew this was too good to be true.

As the judge questioned the inconsistencies, Macarena felt a knot form in her stomach. She glanced at Castillo, searching his face for any sign of reassurance, but found none.
When the judge finally made his ruling, it was a blow to Macarena's hopes. She was to return to Cruz del Sur, her freedom slipping through her fingers like grains of sand.
Back at the prison, Macarena found herself grappling with a new reality. Some of her charges had been lifted, thanks to previous DNA tests and statements from fellow inmates attesting to her good behavior. But one charge still hung over her head like a dark cloud: concealment of assets.

In the corridors of Cruz del Sur, the days unfolded like pages in a worn-out book for Macarena. Each morning began with the clatter of metal trays and the murmur of subdued voices, as she joined the throng of inmates for breakfast in the cafeteria.
The food was tasteless, a bland reminder of the life she once knew beyond these prison walls. Macarena picked at her meal, her thoughts drifting to a time when her mornings were filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the warmth of her family's laughter.
After breakfast came work, a relentless cycle of menial tasks that offered little distraction from the harsh realities of life behind bars. Macarena moved through the prison corridors like a ghost, her footsteps echoing in the empty spaces as she carried out her duties with a sense of resignation.
But amidst the monotony, there was one beacon of light: the prison library. It was there, amidst the dusty shelves and dog-eared pages, that Macarena found solace.

Every day, she would steal away to the library, seeking refuge in the world of books. There, amidst the rows of forgotten novels, she would steal glances with Fabio.
Their conversations were fleeting, whispered exchanges hidden beneath the watchful gaze of the guards. But in those stolen moments, Macarena found a sliver of joy amidst the darkness that engulfed her.

Sometimes she would make complains about something so that Fabio could take her away for a brief moment of togetherness. Those short moments were what was keeping her going.
And so the days passed, each one blending into the next in a haze of routine and uncertainty. But even in this monotony, Macarena clung to the hope that one day, her life would change, that she would find a way out of this prison and into the arms of freedom once more.
It was then that Castillo approached her, a determined glint in his eyes. He promised her that she would not be forgotten, that he would find a way to set her free.

And so, Castillo orchestrated Macarena's escape. He instructed her to injure herself just enough to warrant a hospital visit, but not enough to cause any real harm.
As Macarena sat in the hospital room, the sterile scent of antiseptic hanging heavy in the air, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at her insides. Her injury throbbed dully, a reminder of the sacrifices she had made to escape from Cruz del Sur.

Castillo stood at her bedside, his gaze steady as he outlined their plan for her escape. "You'll need to leave the country," he said, his voice low and urgent. "But we can't risk you taking a plane. We need to go unnoticed. I'll leave you a little bit of money and my phone in case something happens. I already erased my data from it."
Macarena nodded, her mind already racing with possibilities. She knew she had to leave everything behind - her past, her mistakes, her regrets. But in that moment, all she could think about was the promise of freedom that lay just beyond her reach.
Instead of driving her back to the prison, he took Macarena to the place where her brother Romàn last parked his camper van. The van was there, but Romàn wasn't.
When Castillo left, Macarena was alone with her thoughts. She glanced out the window, watching the world outside pass by in a blur of motion. She knew she had to act fast, before anyone realized she was missing.
With trembling fingers, she reached for Castillo's phone and dialed Fabio's number. The familiar sound of his voice filled her ears, and relief flooded through her at the thought of seeing him again.

"We need to meet," she said, her words rushed and urgent. "At your apartment."

Fabio agreed without hesitation, his voice filled with a sense of determination that matched her own.
Back at Cruz del Sur, the hours went by annoyingly slow. But as evening fell and the guards made their rounds, they noticed there was no sign of Macarena. Panic spread through the prison like wildfire, but it was too late. She was gone, vanished into the night without a trace.
In the following days, the authorities searched high and low for Macarena, but she remained elusive. Her sentence wasn't long enough to warrant a nationwide manhunt, and her charges had been reduced to mere shadows of their former selves.

Meanwhile, Macarena had taken a taxi to Fabio's place and they wasted no time in putting their escape plan into action. They hailed another taxi and drove to a nearby small port, where Fabio's old boat waited. His parents had given it to him after not having used it in years.
With the wind whipping through their hair and the salty air kissing their faces, Macarena couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration coursing through her veins. She was finally free - free to chart her own course, to carve out a new life for herself far away from the pain and suffering of her past.
And as they arrived in Italy and used their savings to buy a small house in cash, Macarena knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them head-on, with Fabio by her side. For together, they were unstoppable.

Beyond Boundaries: Macarena's and Fabio's journey to freedom. Where stories live. Discover now