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Their laughter and soft giggles echoed in his room as they looked at each other as if they were the only people in the world.

Seonghwa's eyes were trained on those beautifully brown ones that turned into crescents as his nose scrunched and his perfect teeth showed, his puffed up cheeks red from all of their laughter as his features softened in a way the older loved so much.

Their intertwined fingers gently played and caressed each other, their skin so soft and warm as they held onto each other as though they both would disappear if they didn't.

The quiet TV in the background was just that to them; background noise as they lost themselves in each other's eyes and fell in love over and over again.

Or well, Seonghwa did.

His soft smile fell as he looked down onto the phone that lit up in his hands, a small tear leaving his already stinging eyes.

His gaze drew up to the white digits that seemed to mock him at this late hour.

It was almost 4 a.m. and he didn't sleep yet.

Of course he couldn't sleep.

How could he when he almost shivered from the cold in his now empty apartment, even underneath his huge blanket?

As he looked back down onto the middle of the screen, he didn't know what he was supposed to do now.

It was almost 4 a.m. and he didn't know how he could sleep anytime soon after this.

The name that lit up his screen in the first place felt so familiar yet so strange.

It's been over 2 years already.

Couldn't he just live in peace?

If he could, he probably would rewind time and make sure for those five last years to never happen.

Because that name on his screen was the exact reason why he couldn't feel anything other than the icy cold air that surrounded him for two years already.

That name was the exact reason why he hated going out nowadays, hated meeting up with friends or even family.

The man who bore that name was the exact reason that his eyes filled with tears every damn time he thought back to those beautiful eyes and that smile that felt so enlivening yet made him sick nowadays.

He wiped his cheek free from the tears that fell earlier and clutched the phone in his hand.

Really, he would've thrown it against his wall or maybe even out of the glass door that led to his balcony to get rid of this stinging in his heart if he didn't feel some kind of hope sparking up inside him.

He read the message again and again.

I miss you

That was it.

Three words.

Three words that threw his whole world upside down because in contrast to what they used to mean over two years back, they now meant something completely different.

And Seonghwa hated it.

He hated that he had to read the message.

He hated that the other man texted two years later.

And most of all, he hated how much he wished for those three words to mean exactly what he wanted them to mean.

But it was 4 a.m. and everybody knows that getting a text at night didn't mean what getting a text during the day meant.

Message | SeongJoong OneShot Where stories live. Discover now