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Jisoo would like to be swallowed by the ground now.

Jisoo sat across Lia at the dining table as, Jin and Jungkook are exchanging teasing glances at V.

"Um.. I brought hotpot.." Lia said looking at her. 

"T-thank you.." Jisoo said. She's so happy that Lia is so considerate to her.

"So you and unnie are in a relationship?" Lia said turning to V. Jisoo says good bye as her spirit flew away.

"Well.." V looks at her for a second then turns to Lia, "I kissed her.. because I like her."

GASPPP!!! Jisoo is frozen.

Lia looks at Jisoo, "Uh.. I thought aunty kidnap you because she knew I was close to you. But I'm really sorry that you got involve because of us."

"Ohh no.. its no ones fault." Jisoo said flustered, "Your aunt is just evil but its not like I cant take her."

Lia looks at her. Jisoo looks so gentle, when Eddy told her she wrestled her aunt, it was unbelievable.

"Youre incredible unnie." Lia said.

"Let's not worry about it." Jisoo said, "eat up Lia!"

Jisoo puts meat on Lia's plate.

"Lia's been working hard to secure a sister-in-law." Jin commented brightly.

"She had to, otherwise V will end up single forever." Jungkook said with a sigh.

"I mean.. your brother and I did kiss.. but I think I'll consider dating him because I want a little sister like you." Jisoo said to Lia.

Lia's eyes twinkle.

"You did had a crush on me without knowing I have a sister." V pointed out.

"You rejected me already." she argued back.

Lia gasped at the new information. "Oppa is the one that rejected you?!"

"Jisoo did that on a whim and drunk." V said.

"Hey! That was still a confession.." Jisoo pouted.

"Fine. I'll go date you when you confess again then." V said to her that made her blush.

"Just eat up." Jisoo said putting meat on his plate.

Jisoo had a fun and warm dinner.

She would often oblige to groups for dinners and parties. Its also fun in general, but these guys made her feel more.. at home. They have been so welcoming towards her from the start and she's very grateful to have them as friends.

Wendy and Joy are the only friends she has at school but they dont hang out often. They mostly come together on working on projects and thats that. But she knows they care for her too and she loves the two just as much as she loves her new friends now.

Everything is going right.

But being happy means she'll have something to be sad about in the coming days.

And the fear of having this happiness taken away from her is creeping in again.

She hopes this isnt another sad story.


"V?" Jisoo called.

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