Chapter 3: Date

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When Prince Fluff suggested that he and Shadow should go out together, she was very shocked about that idea, leaving Fluff a bit more considerate.

Shadow: A-A-A A date!?

Fluff: Well if you don't want to, then we can think of something else.

Shadow: No no, it's fine, I just never had to go on something new to me.

Fluff: Well I can guide you there! But we'll need to find a good place.

Shadow: Well I know that Olive Ocean recently got a new park. It's perfect for going out with someone I believe.

Fluff: Well let's get ready!

Fluff and Shadow both get ready to go to the Seaside Park in Olive Ocean. They see a lot of rides.

Fluff: Wow, this is pretty cool.

Shadow: Yeah, it is really nice. Where should we go first?

Fluff: Let's try 3 rides.

The two then try Poly Bumper Cars and some were pushed so hard, they almost stole their first kiss. They then tried the Pirate Gobbler attraction which functions the same as the one in Disney World. Finally, they went to the aquarium where they saw a dancing routine that squishies do to find mates and blipper tricks.

Shadow: Phew! I'm parched!

Fluff: Should we get a drink?

Shadow: Yeah! I heard the drinks here are really good.

Fluff: Then let's go!

Fluff and Shadow go to the beach restaurant where Fluff orders one drink because he only has enough for one.

Fluff: Got one!

Shadow: Er, why does it have two straws?

Fluff: Don't know, but I can't wait anymore.

Fluff drinks from the cup and Shadow decides to use the other straw in the cup not knowing that that was essentially an indirect kiss.

Fluff: The last attraction, the Ferris Wheel.

The two enter the Ferris Wheel and are having fun. Shadow is really content than she usually is and Fluff is just happy that this was a success. Suddenly, Fluff moves closer to Shadow and moves his hand closer to Shadow's hand which she is still not knowing until the two are now holding hands. This flusters Shadow but she is fine with it.

The ride ends

The two go home but are distracted by the beautiful sunset.

Shadow: Wow, very pretty!

Fluff: Yeah.

Shadow: ... You know...

Fluff: ?

Shadow: I've never been this open to others before but thanks to you, my mentor, and that pink puffball, I don't feel so secluded anymore.

Fluff: Well that's good! Glad you're doing ok!

Shadow: Yeah, but, I thought you disliked me because I didn't exactly trust you.

Fluff: It's fine! You just did what you need to do.

Shadow: Well, do you remember that pick up line you used on me? I-I honestly liked it . I just didn't know how to say to that but I do like you. Fluff.

Fluff: Woah, th-thanks I guess. I didn't think you felt that way towards me. Well, let's go home, this sunset was beautiful but I need to rest.

Shadow: Yeah, but first...

Shadow's heart pound as she kisses Fluff leaving both blushing.

Fluff: th-thanks, I'm glad I met you.

Shadow: Thanks, Prince Fluff.

The End

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