Chapter₊˚⊹౨ৎ ₊˚⊹five

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(Picture caption: Never pause kpop mvs and Jay,Sunoo and Jake.Are you okay?)
Honestly saying, I think she thinks of me as an older brother figure, you know?
Because she has two younger siblings and she being the oldest, has no older sibling to rely on so, yeah.
Im most likely just an older brother figure to her.
(a/n I PROMISE to finish this cookie thing in this chapter. PINKY PROMISE👁👄👁🤙{just pretend its a pinky<33})
When Heeseung pushed me off him and pinned me against the couch, I interesting thoughts(iykyk). Like, his sort of serious face made me so.......
attracted to him.
The fact that I was feeling his warm breath kissing(?) my lips and face. Or it was the fact that I was blushing too hard. Maybe both?
(a/n i was literally in a van, going to the water park. now back to the story)
I sit up on the sofa and tap Heeseung on the shoulder.
He turns around, his face was lightly tinted with crimson.
"Do you have some spare clothes that I could wear after we clean the living room and the kitchen?"I ask, with a half smile.
"Sure, I think you can borrow that white shirt there and I'm going to go get a pair of pants for you." He says with a shy smile.
I walk to my room leaving Yunjin in the living room.
"Jinnie, can you go get that shirt on that hanger over there?" I shout out from my room.
"WHERE IS THE SHIRT?!"I hear her shout.
I open the door to my room and go to the balcony.
I reach over to the pipe that holds all the washed clothes to dry(asians can relate). I take the hanger with my slightly over-sized white shirt and hand it to Yunjin.
"Here you you go jinnie."I say with a sort of affectional voice.
(a/n was in ANOTHER VAN bc going back home)
After giving the hanger with the shirt, I walk back to my room and try to find some pants for her to wear.
I searched my entire closet ,but alas, I couldn't find a pair of pants that would actually fit her.
I open the door to my room and poked my head from the door.
"Jinnie, I cant find a pair of pants that would fit you. So would you mind if I give you a pair of pants?" I ask.
"I don't mind. As long as it isn't that short." She blantly(?) answers.
I walk back to my room and find a pair of black basketball shorts for her to wear.
I ATTEMPT to neatly put all my clothes back into my closet.
"Jinnie, you can come in and change now." I call out to Yunjin, who was sitting on the sofa, scrolling through her phone.
I came out from behind the door to leave the room so she can change.
She walks in and locks the door.
I few seconds I realized I don't have my phone and that I left it in my room.
I walk over to my door and knock on it.
"Jinnie, can you give me my phone? I left it on the night stand." I call out to her, letting her know where it was.

I just had removed my shirt and then I hear a knock.
"Jinnie, can you give me my phone? I left it on the night stand." I hear Heeseung asking.
"No." I half-shout.
"Please jinnie."
"Sorry but the answer is no"
"I'll buy you ice-cream and bubble tea if you give me my phone"
"Fine. Wait a moment."
That isn't a bad offer just to give him his phone. And like, who wouldn't agree to that?
I walk over to his night stand and pick up his phone.
Then I go to the door, unlocking it and opening it, just enough to let the phone through the crack.
I feel the phone slipping out of my hand, indicating that he took it.
"Thanks jinnie."
"Your welcome."
I close the door after that interaction and continue changing into his white shirt. The sleeves were up to my elbows and the shirts length was to almost my knees.
I start to remove my black flour-covered pants and wear Heeseung's black basketball shorts.
When I wore it up to my waist, it was at my knees.
Who cares anyway? I tell myself.
I wrap up the flour-covered clothes and opn the door.
I see Heeseung mixing (MiXeD up) the cookie batter. He was mixing the dry ingredients in a separate bowl and I noticed another bowl. I assumed it was the wet ingredients.
I walked straight to the room where the washing machine was and put my flour-covered clothes in it.
When I got out washing machine room(?) I told Heeseung to go get changed.
"Okay. But could you go add the lemon zest into the dry mixture?" Heeseung asks
"Okay, sure. OnLy FoR yOu." I reply
I watch him as he walks into his own room to get changed.
I walk over to the kitchen counter, where I see a little bowl of lemon zest.
I pick up the small bowl and start adding it into the dry ingredient bowl(?).
(A few minutes later)
I hear a door opening and see Heeseung.
But not any Heeseung.
I immediately turned into a red tomato.
He looked like he goes to the gym everyday or something.
He had
"Jinnie, did you see my blue shirt anywhere?" He asks innocently as if he didn't (sort of) flash me.
"I-it's in th-the balcon-y" i stammer out.
What is this feeling? It doesn't feel right. Why is Heeseung making me feel this way? Not that I don't like him or anything. Or do I?
I try to shrug off that feeling but it wont go away.
Its like that one mosquito on a hot summer day. Very stubborn.
How are y'all doing?
I wrote a long chapter for y'all today.
Your welcome.
And thank you for 40+ views!!
Like, how is that even possible?!?
And I am going back to my country today!(^v^)
And my exams are tmr(┳Д┳)
Anyways, wish me luck<33

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