"Can I go where u go...?"

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Reggie POV:
(Grammar mistakes bc I'm not perfect srry, enjoy)
I've been texting and texting y/n but she hasn't been responding, I understand. She just went through something traumatic and I wasn't there to watch her. I know she is old enough to look after herself but I'm scared something will happen to her. I care about her so much and want only the amazing things for her. Since she's my best friend. I texted her one more time and then left to get some fresh air.

Y/n POV:
I woke up to about 10-15 texts messages from Reggie. He seem really worried. I felt bad for not texting him but I had no choice but to lay down and pity myself for not protecting myself and getting the boys hurt. Especially Reggie. Last time I saw him he had a black eye. I was so upset with myself that I started to cry for making everyone solve my stupid problems. But there was no time for that. I texted Reggie and told him I was okay and I'll be coming over soon. Then I went a got out of bed and shower and what not.

Back to Reggie pov:
When I came back from outside I got a text from y/n saying that she was fine and that she will be coming over soon. I smiled to myself and of course the guys had to say: "oooh someone in love". I didn't wanna tell them but I was. I really was, but that was for another day. I got y/n her favorite snacks and her favorite drink. And I put it in the kitchen for her. I got dressed and put on me and bee matching bracelets since I almost never wear it. I then texted y/n to come on and hurry up I'm waiting for you

Back to y/n
Once I got out of the shower and dressed I got a text from Reggie tell me to hurry up and come. I rolled my eyes and grab my keys. The boys didn't live too far away it was only about a 6-7 minutes drive. (Time skip) I made it to the boys house and I knocked on the door and Alex open the door
"Hey y/n, come in" Alex Said.
"Well duh, this is my second house" I said.
"Hey, y/n how you feeling?" Luke said hugging me.
"I feel fine, thanks for asking, so uh where is Reggie?" I asked
"Oh, he's in the kitchen waiting for you" they both said.

Reggie pov again:
I was in the kitchen waiting for y/n. Today was going to be the day. I had everything planned. But idk if she will like it or not.

Y/n POV:
I came into the kitchen with Reggie smiling and he surprised me with all my favorite snacks. I ate all of them in the matter of minutes. Once I was done he gave me this box and he got down on his knee.
"Reggie are yo-"
"Y/n L/n I find you extraordinary and the most perfect person so will you be my girlfriend".....?

Part 2 coming todayyy!! Also srry for bad ending I was getting a bit lazy and class was starting for me soon!

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