The lost Girl and The book Of shadows

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The lost girl and the book of shadows


Abdelhadi Mrani 

Category: A mix of Gothic Fiction, Fantasy, and Coming-of-Age

Themes: Overcoming fear, transformation, balance between light and dark, personal responsibility, connection to nature and the spirit world.

Symbolism: The book of shadows, the candle, the spiral representing rebirth, the astral plane.

Character Development: The girl transitions from victim to powerful leader. The mysterious figure acts as a catalyst and guide.

Style: Descriptive language creates atmosphere (the city, the alley, the dilapidated room). Hints of the Gothic tradition with its focus on the supernatural and psychological darkness.


The story follows a young lost girl and an enigmatic, powerful figure who promises her safety and guidance. They delve into an ancient book of shadows to help her overcome her fears. She learns about magic and the occult, even exploring the astral plane. This leads to encounters with her past lives, a spirit of the earth, and eventually using her newfound power for good as a healer, teacher, and protector.


A compelling opening paragraph could hook readers like this:

In the heart of a bustling city exists a dark secret. An enigmatic figure emerges, their power both intimidating and alluring. Their fateful encounter with a frightened girl weaves strands of ancient magic and profound personal change, promising that despite the darkness. 

In the heart of the city, a place known for its hustle and bustle, there stands an unsettling figure. It's as if the air itself is tainted with a sense of foreboding whenever this person is nearby. They move with the grace of a predator, their every step calculated and precise. Their appearance is striking, to say the least: long, flowing hair of the deepest black, eyes that seem to hold galaxies within them, and skin as pale as freshly fallen snow. They are clad in a suit that appears to be tailored specifically for them, the cut immaculate and the material as smooth as silk. This enigma of a person strides through the crowds, their presence commanding attention despite their efforts to remain unnoticed.

As they make their way down a busy street, their gaze happens to fall upon a young couple, clearly enraptured in each other's company. Despite the sea of people surrounding them, they seem to exist in their own little world. The figure in black can't help but feel a twinge of envy, a longing for something they once had but have since lost. The memories flood back, unbidden and unwelcome, of the warmth of another person's touch, the sound of laughter echoing through the halls of their mind.

They continue onward, navigating the throngs of humanity with ease, when something catches their eye. A small girl, no more than eight years old, huddled in the corner of a dark alley. She's trembling, her tiny body shaking as she whispers "Surah Yusuf" over and over again. The figure in black can't help but feel a sense of familiarity, as if they've seen this scene play out before. As they draw closer, they realize that the girl is terrified, her big eyes filled with tears and fear. They kneel down beside her, offering a comforting smile. "Shh, it's alright," they whisper, their voice soft as silk. "Everything will be fine."

The girl, still trembling, looks up at them with wide, frightened eyes. "I-I don't want to be alone anymore," she stammers, her voice barely audible over the sounds of the city. The figure in black feels a pang in their heart, a sudden urge to protect this innocent child from whatever it is that she fears. They reach out, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face, and in that moment, they realize that they too are afraid. Afraid of being alone, afraid of the darkness, and afraid of the memories that haunt them like specters in the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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