Fun with Midnine

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Today Midnine finally comes to them after ages. They really didn't see each other for a long time well it's time to have some fun.

Texts -  Mid and Lover 

Lover: Heeey Mid ! I'd text you before but my hottie told me you can wait 😛the thing is that you and 1989 can finally come to us TODAY! Yes you're reading right TODAY! We're so happy and can't wait for you to come after agessss

Mid: OH MYYY FINALLYYY! 1989 is already jumping AHAHAHA OMGGG can't believe it! Ik atw what was that when Rep told you that I can wait 😜 we're coming to you for like 3 hours alright

Lover: AHAHAHAHA YEEEEY! Can't wait

Lover puts her phone down and talks with Rep about Midnine coming to them so soon

Lover: Baby I just talked with Mid and she's so happy that they can finally come to us today like she was really surprised that it's today and AHAHAHA she said 1989's already jumping AHAHAHA
Rep: OHOHOHO AHAHAHA great, did she tell you when they're coming
Lover: For like 3 hours
Rep: Alright then let's prepare everything

They go downstairs and take some sweets, candy,chocolate, snacks,drinks and prepare everything on the table that when Midnine comes , all's on the place

Rep: Why you're so cute rn
Lover: Do you think that I don't see what you're doing
Rep: It doesn't have to be exactly what's on your mind baby
Lover: Hmmm idk what to think anymore hottie cuz you turn everything hot
Rep: Mmmm well yk me, give me a kiss

They end up kissing a lil longer and as time goes by fast it's already 15:00 and they should expect Midnine sooner than they think

Lover: OMG they're gonna come so soon
Rep: Mmmmmm I was enjoying this sm why'd you stop now
Lover: Babyyy you're gonna kiss me in bed before sleeping sm okay ,now we have to wait for them cuz they can appear every sec
Rep: Okay  but give me one more

They kiss one more time and exactly after stopping and smiling at each other, they hear the sound that almost scared them

Lover: OMG I scared a lil AHAHAHA they cameee come with me
Rep: I scared a lil too AHAHAHA OMG they're really fast
Lover: OMGGGGG HEEEEY GIRLSSSS(hugs Mid then 1989)
Mid: HEEEEY! God it's been such a long time fr
1989: DAMN Lover you look gorgeous WHAT
Lover: Thanksss you toooo
Mid: Heeey Rep(hugs her) how's going
Rep: Great, Lover couldn't wait for you two to show up that we have some fun after ages (hugs 1989) HEEEY
1989: OMG your house is so phenomenal likeee LOOK AT THATTTT
Lover: Thanks AHAHAHA come here
Rep: Take here what you want , we have so many sweets, candy, chocolate, snacks, drinks, we prepared everything
Mid: That's great cuz I'm about to take THIS
1989: Baby give me that over there plz
Mid: Here you go
1989: Thanks
Rep: Thaaaan let us hear some news about  you two
Mid: OMG you have absolutely no idea ! We went some days ago to Starbucks and when we got our drinks she remembered sth really funny and the fact that she had that drink in her mouth and laughing at the same time um as I was in front of her asking what's so funny at 1 moment just PAM ! That drink all over my shirt and even sth lil on my face EEEEEY when I tell you then it was even more funny to her and I was just like what the actual fuck just happened
Rep: DAMN 1989 the way I can imagine that is even more funny now I can't
Lover: You're so funny OMGGG AHAHAHA
1989: AHAHAHA and then we ended up just going home like that half drinking and half laughing

They continued to talk and shared some funny moments which they remembered long ago. Time was passing but they didn't mind. The girl stayed to 21:00 at them. They were partying, singing,dancing, drinking and taking photos. Ofc Vigilante shit had to be one of the songs and NOT Dress or SIG not even False god but it was End game.

Mid: I'm so loving this aaahhh we didn't have this much fun soooo aaaahhh
Rep: You really need to come often
Lover: Yeah fr and we could even meet out somewhere
1989: Absolutely! I loved this all sm, that's so cute how you two prepared everything for this what was it turned into party later AHAHAHAHA
Rep: Reaaaal but ofc
Lover: Weee expect to meet you next time really soon again
Mid: 100% yeah I'm not missing you like this again that was terrible
Lover: AHAHAHAHA ily (hugs Mid then 1989) and Rep the same
Rep: Enjoy we'll text you often
Midnine: Sure byeee

They left and now Lover went to put everything in their place where it belongs to (sweets, snacks,drinks - everything what stayed on the table) and Rep went to the bathroom to do all that when Lover comes in their bed everything's ready like she's ready, she's done and then waits for her to do all and shower so they can have cute time before sleeping.

Lover: Aaaaayy that was fr sm fun OMG baby you're all done already
Rep: I agree and yeah I'm done, I just wanna tell you to be fast now okay hurry up love I want you
Lover: I willll

Lover was really fast. After 13 mins she jumped in bed and Rep came in her with a smile

Rep: So like can you believe that I just missed you all this time while you were in the bathroom
Lover: I can cuz actually same
Rep: You're finally mine again now
Lover: I'm not going anywhere now hottie
Rep: This is one of my fav things with you, yk just being in the bed with you like this
Cuddling and kissing you, it actually doesn't have to be sth hot just that you're in me or me in you
Lover: You're such a cute hot lil baby I adore you sm love
Rep: I adore you too cutie

They can't stop smiling at each other and Rep kisses her for a long time and cuddles her sm . It's about to be 1 am soon and they're whispering sth yet before falling asleep in each other. Rep gives her one more kiss and buries herself in Lover's neck. They fall asleep really soon.

NOTE- OMG I literally can't! I'm in love with their love AAAHHHHHH! But yeah they finally had some fun with Midnine after ages! Next part you can expect one of the days um next week! This and next month will be lil fucked up with school but yeah as I said you'll get new part every week sth ❤️ you can also tell me what are you expecting in new part/s

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