Chapter 2: Family Issues Don't Give Two Hecks (╥_╥)

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TW: Possible mentions of blood and gore
(Characters may not act canon)



You groaned as something nudged you.

"Who the he- oh." You looked to your right side to see Engel with Claire as she and him sat on two chairs beside your desk and poked you.

"Okay, okay, you guys can stop now. I'm awake- WAIT." Fear briefly crossed your features. "D-did I sleep through c-class...?" You stuttered nervously. Engel and Claire briefly shared a look, and nodded towards you before leaning in to whisper towards each other.

"Should we tell him about the teachers?" Engel whispered. "Yeah. Definitely. He deserves to know." Claire whispered back. It was then that they met your form once more. "Hey um, Y/N?" You flinched. "Y-yeah...?" Engel sighed. "You're not going to die Y/N." He reassured you before Claire nodded and continued. "So...Miss Bloomie basically let you sleep during class. I asked Mister Rose about it a while ago and he confirmed my suspicions that it was Miss Hexi's ideas. He was quite surprised himself of Miss Bloomie's change of heart."

Your eyes widened. Oh. Was it because of your current relationship with her? (NOT ROMANTICALLY! I mean as mother figure)

"Oh..." You blinked. Claire and Engel looked at you expectantly. " know Miss Bloomie is crazy right?" They nodded. "Well...she's my..." You hesitated but decided to tell them. " adoptive mother- HEY!" You were cut off by them shaking you. "Wait- REALLY?!" Claire smiled widely with stars in her eyes. "HOW-" Engel started but was cut off when Miss Bloomie entered the room. Her eyes narrowed even more when they met Claire's and Engel's. They sweat dropped nervously.

"I was looking for you two. Your next class is about to start. You should go. Not you Y/N." You froze. "Me? Stay?" You pointed at yourself. "Is there any other Y/N here?" She rolled her eyes. You shrugged and sat down. "So, mom. What did ya wanna talk about?" She froze when you called her mom. "" Tears started to form in her eyes. "Huh? Wait. OH NO- I DIDN'T MEAN TO THAT WAS A SLIP-UP-" You frantically apologized, only to see Miss Bloomie sniffling. "Huh? Did I say something or..." You trailed off when she pulled you in for a hug. (I have a headcanon that the teachers are touch-starved-)

"Y-you called me mom!" She sobbed. You hung from her arms awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Unbeknownst to them, Miss Circle, Hexi, Thavel, Sasha, Emily, and Mister Demi were peering through the door.

"You were right Hexi!" Miss Sasha whispered happily. Finally, an instance where Miss Bloomie wasn't chaotic.

"Yes! She's right!" Miss Thavel and Emily whisper-shouted.

"At least they're happy?" Mister Demi smiled. While Miss Circle nibbled on an Oreo. "Hey, can I have one of those?" Miss Hexi asked Miss Circle. She shrugged and gave one to every teacher there. She would have to give one to Miss Grace later.

Once away from the door and back to their respective classrooms, the teachers taught their students happily, which confused them.

"Um...Miss can put me down now..." You awkwardly smiled. She happily obliged and set you down. "Say it. Say it again!" She shook you gently. "Mom?" You raised an eyebrow. "Yes! Thank you! Now you may go to your class! I'll make a note saying you were late personally, so you don't have to worry about being punished!" She walked out of the classroom happily, leaving you confused and frozen.

'What the heck...just happened?"

You shook your head. Gotta get to class first.

~Timeskip to After School~

"Bye!!!" Claire shouted, while Engel just waved. You waved back to the two of them, smiling. As you neared the entrance to the school, you froze. That was your mom. Your BIOLOGICAL MOTHER.

Heading towards her, your face had an unreadable expression. Miss Bloomie, being the protective mom that she was (even with her flaws here and there), accompanied you because she knew your parents abandoned you (to get milk and stuff cuz they didn't give two flying heck's about your situation).

"Y/N!" She beamed. 'Yeah right' You inwardly scoffed. "After you abandoned me? Hey, don't try to get buddy-buddy with me. I know you don't give a [REDACTED]." Miss Bloomie gasped.
"Y/N! Language!" She scolded, all while glaring daggers at M/N (Mom's name).

"Hey, come now. You know I'm your mother. You're lying. And who is this weird woman beside you? She looks like [REDACTED]." Miss Bloomie's eye twitched. You scowled. That was the last straw. "Okay M/N. CUT THE ACT. Just get to the point. You can't be insulting mom like that. [REDACTED] you." You gave her the middle finger. I'll bet that Miss Bloomie looked like the proudest mom, right there and then.

M/N stared at you blankly. Then proceeded to lash out in anger saying; "YOU- YOU UNGRATEFUL WASTE OF AIR! I CARED FOR YOU AND GAVE BIRTH TO YOU! JUST GIVE ME SOME MONEY!-" She was cut off by Miss Bloomie pointing her box cutter hand at her threateningly.

"Y O U 
M A Y 
N E V E R,
N E V E R,
A G A I N.
T H AT?"

Miss Bloomie looked so threatening that you could die from her gaze. Although she also looked guilty at killing people, she knows she has to.

"Y-yes ma'am." M/N gulped. She then ran away in fear, not without a warning glance to Y/N who hid behind Miss Bloomie's back. " that really necessary...?" You nervously sweated.

Miss Bloomie, upon seeing you scared, reverted back to her normal self. "Awww...Y/N! It was. Especially since she insulted you!" You gulped. "Uhhh...but she'll come after me?" Miss Bloomie twitched. "Well...if she know what'll happen to her." She grinned while you sweat-dropped even more. "And you'll be staying at my house for the meantime! Just so M/N doesn't get any ideas, hm?" You nodded, relieved that you didn't have to stay in your apartment.


Heheheh I wanted to put the cliffhanger so deal with it! (No offense meant I'm jsut silly I'm sorry-)

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