O gosh, I forgot to buy anything to eat. DAMN IT, wait how is it hailing in the middle of fall? Kiki throws on a hat and dashes outside to get to the nearest store to get some random food as she forgot to buy food.
Usually she doesn't run to stores as she does know how to cook and knows she can cook if she doesn't find anything, but this time as she mentioned it was hailing, it is the middle of fall but this is a book, it can not make sense. Also just to explain : she needs to run as she does not have any food, including things she can cook, so if the store closes, she can't just cook food.
It's only 8:25, I would be probably able to get there before the shop closes. Oh.
Kiki turns the corner to find a stray dog, she doesn't know the breed but what she does know is that the dog looks mad, and has foam coming out it's mouth witch is never a good sign. Kiki sprints past the dog as the dog also begins to run toward her. As this chase continues Kiki jumps over some random stuff trying to get to the store and also away from the dog, she doesn't look what she jumps over but she still knows this path so she keeps on picking up speed. She dashes past some trees not quite realizing where she's going anymore. Kiki was not prepared for a goose chase with a dog as she didn't think anything like this couldv'e happened, she's running out of breathe as she sharply turns onto a different street(the one leading to the store she was originally going to).
Ugh, who in the world saw this dog and didn't even call anyone, it clearly has rabbies or some sort of illness. Now I have to run at full speed just to get some mac and cheese, these aren't the times were we had to survive and hunt to get food! Oh, that's the street that the store is on-
What Kiki did not see was the couple of stairs that she tripped on a flew down.

The Poison In The Blood
Random2 girls, different lives, different struggles, meet in a very weird way. When Kiki literally falls onto Vanny, formally Vannesa, they do not yet know that this is now a big turning point in there life. Kiki is a bit of a trouble maker with complex i...