I bumped into that girl, turns out her name is Vanessa but she goes by Vanny. We were both going to the same store to get food. Vanny has told me she did not know how to cook, she really empathized the words. I explained that I could cook pretty well but forgot to buy anything so now I'm headed to the shop. She laughed about what happened, I honestly did not care, it turned out ok so it's ok. When we reached the doors of the small shop we said bye and I think she told me her phone number? I don't remember but I also again, do not care as I'm probably never going to speak to her again.
I bought some food and sped walked to my aparartment, I also just realized that I think I saw Vanny in a couple of interviews and things like magazine covers, I assume she might be slightly popular around here or somewhere else. I'm surprised that she didn't know how to cook and didn't have anyone even a family member cook for her. I personally think that she is slightly popular but not so popular that she earns big money off of it, but she also doesn't seem like just a local celebrity, maybe a smaller celebrity but more people know her.
Kiki finally got home and peacefully ate her noodles, her black hair kept getting in with the noodles, but it was otherwise quite peaceful. While she ate she thought about the day so far.
Welp, that was certainly a day to live. I got chased around by a defently-infected dog, literally flew onto a small celebrity, who doesn't know how to cook. Then we said goodbye and just bought ramen. Otherwise the day was pretty normal.
Kiki slurped up the last noodle, yawned and decided to actually sleep.

The Poison In The Blood
Random2 girls, different lives, different struggles, meet in a very weird way. When Kiki literally falls onto Vanny, formally Vannesa, they do not yet know that this is now a big turning point in there life. Kiki is a bit of a trouble maker with complex i...