first signs

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Music. There was only music. I had found myself lost in the seemingly infinite maze of trees, hearing the music as I looked around.
   "Tommy?" I tentatively called. "Where did you go?"
      I frantically searched around me, looking for any sign of my brother, finding none. "Tommy!" I called again, only to no response.
   I was starting to panic, not being able to see him. I decided that it would be smart for me to head much higher, up into the trees. I climbed as high as I safely could and searched around. I thought that I saw a movement, and thought it must be him, as I moved my leg to step down, I felt, or rather heard, the branch beneath my left foot break.
   I screamed as I fell towards the ground, desperately grasping at the twigs that whipped my face. Upon hitting the ground, I felt my vision start to go black as the music swelled in a fierce crescendo. I laid there, short of breath, trying to get my bearings, and my entire world suddenly went dark.

A scream was heard throughout the woods I was in, the kind of death scream that only a human could make. "Joe!" I yelled at the top of my voice, frantically searching. I moved quickly, soon finding myself out of the forest. As I turned back, I heard a swell of music, a sweet melody. There was no way for me to tell where it was coming from or what type it was. However, I found that it was making me dizzy.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the hospital, not sure of anything that had happened, just remembering running, escaping the forest, and hearing the music. There was a large bump atop my head and a large scratch on my neck.

"Glad to see you're awake, Mr. Butler. We weren't sure what was happening, nor why you were asleep so long."
   Confused, I read the name on her tag. "Ellyn, where am I?" I said after a moment.
   "You are in the hospital, near Wichita."
   "How did I get here?" I asked with a shaky voice.
   "Some man brought you in, having found you on the side of the road, unconsious."
   The door opened again, and the sheriff walked in. "Well, Mr... Joe Butler, I just have a few questions to ask you, about how you got here."

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