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trigger warning: mentions of drug abuse and violence

  After picking Caroline up from primary school and dropping Amerie off, Jessica returned home. Reminding the little blonde to take her shoes off before getting in, like always, Jessica dropped by her room to let her stuff. She walled to the kitchen and offered her sister a glass of water. As she snooped around their small kitchen she got some frosted pizza and chicken nuggets out of their freezer.

"Do you fancy some pizza or chicken nuggets, butterfly?" The older Alvarez asked, showing the younger one the available food.

"Pizza!" Caroline exclaimed happily as Jessica nodded and turned the oven on. Caroline ran to the bathroom to clean her hands and when she was back she helped her sister. Once the oven was warmed up, Jessica placed the food in and turned the timer to fifteen minutes. Caroline took out two plates and cutlery excitedly and filled two glasses with cold water. As their food was ready, Jessica placed two pieces on each plate and sat down.

"Be careful Care, it is too hot" Jessica warned her sister who had already stuffed her mouth with pizza and frowned as the hot taste met her tongue. She let a small yell out and quickly drank water the moment she finished her bite. She did that every time.

"Will you ever learn?" Jessica shook her head laughing slightly at the little kid as she had some of her own pizza. The two sisters talked about their days at school happily and soon enough finished their food.

"Can I get another slice, Jessie?" Caroline asked pleadingly and Jessica stood up to get her what she asked for.

"How could I ever say no to an adorable little girl like you?" She rytorically asked, picking on the little girl's nose and making her giggle. Caroline quickly ate her third slice and leaned down on the chair, her little bump showing how full she felt.

"I love pizza!" She exclaimed making Jessica chuckle, happy that her sister was enjoying her food. The two sisters loved eachother deeply, never failed to make the other smile and have a good time.

● ● ●

After dropping Caroline at her friend, Nick's, house, Jessica drove to Monet's for her noon shift. Three hours and a half later, Darren, Quinni and Amerie walked through the door of the small café. Jessica walked happily towards their table, notebook and pen in hand.

"What can I get for you today, my pretty jellyfish?" She asked her friends and wrote down their orders. About ten minutes later she walked back, disk on hand offering Darren their cold chocolate, Quinni her tea and Amerie her coffee. They all thanked her and waited for her shift to end. Twenty minutes after, they paid for their stuff and the four friends left the place. They drove to Darren's with Jessica's old car. They were talking and laughing as Darren showed them the story their dad was writing.

"Can you believe my dad actually wrote this? Grease. Long hair. The throbbing motorcycle and the open road beyond. Her flannel shirt whips him like an animal. Clinging on for dear life." Darren was reading while laughing. They made whipping sounds as Amerie was doing Quinni's make-up and Jessica her hair.

"How does a flannel shirt whip someone like an animal?" Quinni asked confused and chuckling.

"It's poetry, boo" Amerie joked making Jessica snort.

"Hey, hey, hey.. are you sure about this?" Darren asked Quinni worried, letting his dad's work out of his grasp and walking to the three girls.

"Yeah, no. I want to do it" Quinni said happily and Amerie told her to open her eyes as she was done with her make-up and wanted to see how it looked. Darren gave an approving look as Jessica was almost finished with Quinni's hair.

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