Chapter 1 - Socially Awkward, at a Social Event.

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Today was Sophie's 18th birthday party. Ah, Sophie. Where do I even start with her? I loved her, I really did, she could make you laugh even when you're feeling like pure shit. But damn, was she outgoing. I mean, sure, she had every reason to be. She was beautiful, tall, had perfect blonde hair and just had this aura about her that made people gravitate towards her. And it didn't help that she was the life of every party. Everyone loved her.

But me, I was the complete opposite. Shy, quiet, uncomfortable in my own skin. My anxiety made it hard for me to socialise with people. But I couldn't say no to Sophie, she came to my 18th, it'd only be fair if I went to hers. Even though it meant being surrounded by people I didn't know.

I mean, my 18th was standard. Being only 2 months ago, I could recall every moment. Me and 3 of my friends, we had a couple of drinks, a dance and we ended up passing out in my bedroom. A classic start to adulthood.

We had a group chat on Snapchat with everyone who was coming to Sophie's party. Scanning through the list of names, I recognised a few people from school, but the majority were people I had never met before. My stomach began to churn as I realized that this party was going to be a nightmare. I tried to push my anxiety aside and focus on the positive: at least Sophie would be there. She always knew how to make me feel better. Another friend who helped me through a lot, Elliot, would also be there.

Elliot was just like me too, socially anxious. Elliot was a sweetheart, always checking up on me, making sure I was alright. At school, he was known as "Kurt Cobain's long lost brother" purely because he had a similar haircut and loved the band, but I knew there was more to him than that. I knew he was just as scared as I was. But he was brave. He faced his fears, and he didn't let anxiety define him or stop him from living his life. I wanted to be more like him in a way.

Another person I recognised, was a guy named Mike. He was a year older than us, Sophie had always seemed to have this huge crush on him. I couldn't blame her really, he was pretty damn good-looking. I'd never go for him though, I was a lesbian, but I can still appreciate a guys good looks, if they have them. He had this smile that could light up a room, a perfect beard at 19 and he was always so confident when he talked to people. He looked after himself. I wondered if he was nervous underneath that cool exterior, cause he seemed almost too happy at times.

And the final person I knew, her name was Emily. She was a good friend of mine, but we hadn't really talked much in the past year or so. She was a little quiet at times, but she was also beautiful, with these big green eyes and long brown hair. Once the alcohol hit her system, she could flirt with anyone. Me and her had a little crush for each other a year back, and made out at a party, but we sort of drifted apart. I hoped maybe tonight we could reconnect, you know, just as friends.

Now, the party. I knocked on the door and Sophie answered.

"You came!" she exclaimed, giving me a hug. "I'm so glad you could make it!" She was wearing this tiny black dress that showed off her figure perfectly.

"Thanks for inviting me," I replied, returning the hug.

Then Sophie gave me a good hard look, eyebrow raising, "Who you tryna impress tonight?"

I shrugged, looking down at myself. I wore what I usually would dress in, Ripped jeans, band shirt and a flannel? Okay, maybe I was trying to look good for the other lesbians, but I'd never admit it.

"What do you mean? I always look like this." I said with a shrug, trying to play it cool.

"Well for one, you're literally looking like the walking definition of 'Lesbian', and you've curled your hair, which you never do. Not to mention the fact you're wearing makeup. You look so good. So come on, you can tell me. Who you got your eye on tonight?" Sophie wrapped her arm around me and ushered me inside,

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