04 - Elara

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Thankfully, it was not raining today. After being hidden behind the clouds for the past few days the sun had finally decided to make an appearance.

The bookstore should be busier today, I thought walking down the street along the sidewalk. I smiled at the warmth on my face from the sunshine. While business wouldn't be as good as in the summertime, I was sure people would be out and out after the rain and might stop in.

With the sun newly risen, people were outside and lively. I smiled at the few people I recognized in the street, dodging puddles from yesterday's rain.

Across the street the ocean was calm. Softly crashing along the shoreline.

Stopping in front of the shop, I took in its baby blue painted sign on the side of the storefront that read Wave Crest: Beach Books. I frowned when I spotted the flowers drooping. The storm must've been too strong for them. Hopefully, they would revive.

Jamming the key into the door, I unlocked the store and flipped the sign saying that we were open. Holding the door open with my body, I leaned over grabbed a standing sign, and dragged it into the sidewalk signaling to any passerby that we had a sale. I set my things down behind the counter, including an umbrella, and flicked on the lights.

Settling down behind the counter, I plugged an earbud in as I waited for the first few customers to come by.

Glancing over to the dark green umbrella, I thought of the guy from last night. He was unusual for sure. Who just stands in the middle of an approaching storm like that? And his eyes were unlike anything I had ever seen before. While his kind gesture was thoughtful, it had proved useless last night because by the time he gave me the umbrella I was already soaked. I had brought the offering with me in case he returned for it.

He was cute that was for sure. From what I remembered he had appeared to be lean and toned with tanned skin and dark hair.

The door swung open, the chime of the doorbell making me perk up.

"Hey, girl!" I smiled and gave Courtney a wave as she entered the shop carrying two drinks. "Chai for you and vanilla bean frape for me." I scrunched my nose at her drink of choice and she just rolled her eyes.

She leaned her hip against the counter. Today she wore her hair natural, black bouncing curls framing her face. "Thanks. How was your night out?" I asked as I sipped my tea, from the local coffee shop down the block.

"Fun. You totally should've come," she said giving me a frown, but then quickly her lips turning up into a grin. "There were a few eligible bachelors." She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I laughed.

"Maybe next time," I said knowing full well that a night out on the town wasn't exactly my scene. "What are you up to today?" I asked, smiling at a couple as they walked into the shop and began browsing the selection of books.

"I'm meeting up with a group and were going hit the courts and play a few matches of tennis—" I glanced at the window as Courtney droned on about her day. A familiar face caught my eye, which today was sporting a busted lip. I stood surprised, and then the next moment he was walking away.

I jumped up from my seat, interrupting Courtney. "Hold the store. I'll be right back!"

I grabbed the umbrella and rushed out the door. Hearing a, "Uh, okay," muttered by Courtney as the door shut behind me.

My eyes locked on the tall, brunette guy from yesterday. As he walked down the street, I quickly followed after only being a few paces behind but God was he quick. Jogging up right beside him I breathed out a simple, "Hi."

He froze and turned to face me, those beautifully strange golden eyes glittering in the sunlight.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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