Swing, Push, and Crash

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~Present Day~

As the gunship crashes into the canyon Tech holds Ivy a little closer to him. After what seems like forever the ship eventually comes to a halt. Ivy pulls away from Tech and sits up. Ivy looks around and already sees Wrecker out of the ship and helping Tech out. Ivy stands up and Wrecker holds his hand out as she gets out of the ship. Ivy slides down the side of the ship and onto the ground. Tech gently holds his arm out in case Ivy falls.

"We always get shot down when we travel with regs!" Wrecker whines as he gets off of the ship. "Cody! Help! He's trapped! we have to do something" Says one of the Regs. Rex stiffens slightly and starts to walk towards the ship. "I'll get him," Rex says before Hunter stops Rex.  "Whoah, take it easy captain. Ivy, are you good to get in there and check him out?" Hunter asks with a slightly concerned tone. Ivy looks over at Hunter takes her pack off, and hands it to Crosshair.  She nods, climbs back onto the ship, and sits on the opening. The Reg grabs her arm stopping her from hopping into the ship.

Crosshair notices this and starts to walk over before Hunter stops him. "Easy Crosshair she's got this" Hunter says as he nods reassuringly. Crosshair takes a couple of steps back, crosses his arms, and scowels slightly.

Ivy looks up at the reg with an eyebrow raised. "Don't injure him any further" The reg says with a glare. Ivy rolls her eyes and slides into the ship. She crouches down under the metal bars and sits next to Cody. She looks up at the reg who's still looking down and observing her. "Go get a medkit," she says to the reg. The Reg gives Ivy another glare. "We don't have any with us they all fell out when we crashed," He says clearly angry.

Ivy sighs and pokes her head out of the ship. "Cross can you toss me my pack please!?" Ivy yells out and glares at the reg. Crosshair huffs, and walks over to the ship, handing Ivy her bag. Ivy crouches bag inside and opens her bag. She takes out a small machine as well as some wires. Ivy then checks Cody's pulse. The reg scoffs and mutters something under his breath. Crosshair looks up and glares at the reg. Ivy hands her back to Crosshair. "Space is a little tight down here mind holding this and handing me stuff out of it?" Ivy asks Crosshair as she gives him a look. "Sure" Crosshair grumbles as he takes the bag. 

Ivy hooks the wires up to the small machine and attaches the wires to Cody. "What are you doing?" The reg asks. "I'm monitoring his heart rate and oxygen levels," Ivy says as she shines a small flashlight over Cody's eyes. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" The reg asks. Ivy lets out a frustrated sigh and whips her head around to look at the Reg. "What's your name?" She asks while glaring slightly. "Kix" He replies. Ivy lets out a small laugh and then stops. "Kix shut the hell up and let me do my job," Ivy says as she goes back to examining Cody. 

Crosshair smirks and lets out a small chuckle. Kix looks over at Crosshair, "Are you going to do something, she is not allowed to talk to me like that, I outrank that little girl" Kix says clearly irritated by Ivy. Crosshair shakes his head and before he can say anything Hunter walks over with Wrecker. "Problem here?" Hunter asks as he puts a hand on his hip. "No sir," Kix says as he glances back over at Ivy. 

"How's it going in there Iver's?" Hunter asks as he gets on the ship and looks down at Cody and Ivy. Ivy looks up at Hunter, "He's doing good nothing too bad from what I can tell no bleeding, tell Wrecker he's good to go" Ivy says. Hunter nods to Ivy then at Wrecker. Crosshair, Hunter, and Kix slide off the ship. "How is he going to get Cody out of there?" Kix asks. Crosshair lets out a small chuckle. "He's going to get the ship out of there, not Cody" Crosshair says as he chews on his toothpick.

Wrecker climbs on top. He reaches a hand towards Ivy and looks down at her. "I'll be fine I need to stay here in case he starts bleeding," Ivy says as she gets some gauze ready. Wrecker seems hesitant but nods. He slides off the ship and cracks his knuckles. Wrecker picks up the ship with a slight struggle but swings it away and tosses it away. As it hits into the canyon wall it explodes. "Boom!" Wrecker says as he helps Ivy up. Ivy looks and checks Cody again for further injuries. "He has some internal damage and-" Ivy says right before Kix interrupts her. Kix comes over and pushes Ivy out of the way slightly and checks Cody himself. "He has some internal damage and some bleeding he needs help fast," Kix said.

Ivy mumbles under her breath and stands back up. "We're all going to need help," Crosshair says as he looks over at the incoming vessel of battle droids. "That blast gave away our position," Crosshair says as he turns back around. "I thought getting shot down gave away our position?" Hunter says sarcastically. "Doesn't matter we need to find cover and let them come to us" Rex says as he starts to move Cody. "Sorry Captain but that's not gonna happen, not quite our style," Hunter says with a slight smirk and looks at the batch.

"Bad Batch Plan 82, shockwave" Hunter says as he puts on his helmet. He rests his hand on Ivy's shoulder, "Ivy you stay back here" Hunter says. Ivy looks up at him. "But Hunter! I'm perfectly fine" Ivy says with a slight whine. "No buts you stay back here, that's an order," Hunter says as he walks away and towards the rest of the batch. 

Ivy watches as the batch springs into action. After a few moments, the batch starts to walk back once they finish getting rid of all the battle droids. "Hey we missed you out there, you missed all the action," Crosshair says teasingly. Ivy rolls her eyes and says "I'm gonna come over there in a second and hurt you". Crosshair lets out a small chuckle. "I have to say, Sargent that was a pretty impressive show you put on back there," Rex says to Hunter. "Just doing our job Captain," Hunter says as he takes off his helmet. 

Wrecker picks up one of the battle droid's head and he shoves it into Crosshair's face. "Look Cross, this little clanker likes you," Wrecker says as he laughs. Crosshairs scowls and pushes the battle droid's head away from him. Wrecker scrunches his eyebrows then turns over towards Ivy and starts to push it in her face. Ivy starts laughing and pushing the droid's head away from her. "Gross" Ivy says continuing to laugh.  "We have to move out, our position has been compromised," Rex says as he starts to walk out of the battlefield. The Batch then follows.

A couple of hours later the group settles into their camp for the night. "So I get why the rest of the batch is special, but what's Hunter's thing?" Jesse asks. "He puts up with the other four, also I think the big thing is smelling dirt," Kix whispers over to Jesse and they chuckle slightly. "Actually he huffs it, you know to really get it into his system," Ivy says as she looks up from the spot where she was sitting. The two regs look at her weirdly and then at each other, then once again back at her.

"That was a joke we're not that weird," Ivy says as she rolls her eyes. "Hunter has enhanced senses, meaning he can find the electromagnetic frequency of the cyber center," Tech says as he looks up from his datapad and adjusts his goggles. Ivy gets up and walks over to Rex and Cody. "How you feelin' Cody?" Ivy asks as she sits beside him and checks his pulse and wound. 

Cody coughs then says, "I'm hanging in there kid." Ivy smiles at Cody and then looks at Rex. "How about you?" Ivy asks. "I'm fine, thanks for asking Ivy" Rex replies as he looks back down at Cody, clearly worried about his brother. Ivy nods and stands back up. As she begins to walk towards the rest of the group she bumps into Kix. "Oh I'm so sorry," Ivy says as she looks up at Kix. 

"Do you have any idea what you're doing?" Kix asks as he crosses his arms over his chest. Ivy just looks up at Kix confused by his sudden outburst. "You know kid I don't think you have any idea what you're doing. I mean you are just a kid. You know you will do some serious damage to him" Kix says as he walks closer to Ivy. "I beg your finest fucking pardon?" Ivy says loud enough for the others to hear. The others immediately stop what they're doing and they look over at the two.

"I mean he's already in critical damage so it will be hard to damage him more. In fact, when you do screw up you will kill him" Kix says as he walks closer and begins to tower over Ivy. Ivy scoffs and looks Kix up and down, "Dude, what is your issue with me," Ivy says as she begins to clench her jaw and tightens her fist. The batch all look at each other and then at Ivy. "You're a Kid, you have no idea what you're doing, and you and your entire batch are crazy," Kix says with a smirk on his face. That was it, Ivy finally snaps. She balls her fist up and swings it at Kix. The batch sighs and shakes their heads as they stand up and rush over to the two.

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