INTRO LEVEL: Moving in

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In the snowy streets of Toronto, Canada a black truck can be seen driving through the streets with some boxes in the trunk with nothing but wires attached to tie them down, The boxes were barely neat as a sock flies out of one. Soon inside of the truck was a boy with dark red spiked hair was looking at his GPS trying to find the place he will crash in for the next few days, but it would seem like he is very lost at the moment for his internet connection was not good for the past 2 hours to him.

?????: Damn it, Where is this place? (Looks at the GPS before looking back at the road) Man this place is like a maze. Ok remember he said it would be down the block from the pizza place on the corner and... (He soon sees that he's getting a call from someone)

He picks up the phone and hears a male voice who sounds familiar to to each other.

?????: Hello?

?????: Hey it's me man, Are you almost here? Wallace is having a conniption fit that you're going to be late.

?????: (Yelling at him in a goofy manner) Well tell him I'm sorry but I'm still new to this place! (He breathes in and out) I'm sorry Scott I'm just so lost right now.

The person was on the other side of the call was Scott Pilgrim, 22 years old and a ranking of Awesome. He turns to his roommate Wallace Wells and repeats what he said.

Scott: Hey Wallace He said that...

Wallace: I heard what he said, You have it on speaker dude. He sounds cute though.

Scott: (He looks at his phone and sees that he was right) Oh Crap! I'm sorry you must've herd that Kaito.

Kaito: (Laughs) It's cool I think I see the pizza place so I might be there in 3 minutes.

Scott: Ok man, We'll be waiting (Hangs up the call)

Kaito James, He's a 21 year old with a pending ranking because he's a mix bag of a bunch of stuff. He's from North Carolina from the U.S and he is also inside a Kid at Heart. He enjoys a lot of stuff like Anime, Games and the rest of things needed to be a Certified Gaming Otaku but he's pretty tame about it. But the biggest thing about him is that he wishes to try to be a nice person, He is but he sometimes don't control what he does because he has a disability that makes him a total goofball.

Kaito was on his was to Scott Pilgrim's Apartment complex because He and Scott are good friends online and Scott agreed with a shit tons of convincing Wallace to allow the fact that Kaito would be moving in with them till he can afford his own place and get his shit straight, One of the reasons he moved to Toronto was to make a new chapter and have a good start but getting lost was not helping.

As he was driving pass the pizza place he soon makes it to the apartment big it was almost covered in snow, Kaito almost missed it but he sees the number on the door and parks at the nearest parking spot and turns off his rental truck.

Kaito: (Sees the door before putting on his jacket) Looks like this is the place, Let's do this then.

He then gets out of the truck and walks to the snowing Toronto weather and unhook the boxes from the back and started to carry them towards the door. He then uses his foot to attempt to knock the door but that barley did much so he "Literally" uses his head and bangs it at the door and afterwards it hurt like a bitch but the door soon opened revealing Wallace who immediately checked him out before Kaito could look at him.

Wallace: Ehh, B rank at best.

Kaito: Huh?

Wallace: Oh Nothing, (Moves out of the way to let him in) Welcome to Casa de Weirdness, Make sure you wipe your feet.

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