LEVEL 3: The Girl of his Dreams Stage 2

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Inside of a strange building there was a bunch of screens that had a bunch of people on it, but they mainly focus of Ramona Flowers and it looked like they started to now focus on Kaito who met her yesterday night. There was a chair in front of them with someone on it who silently laughed at what he's seeing.

??????: (Laughs manically) So this one is new as well huh... Ok Mr. James... Game on!

??????: So when do I meet this one...

??????: Soon... Let's just see where this is heading.


It was the next morning as Kaito wakes up for a new day and after the disaster of a night last night he knew he could not do much today. Scott was once again a no show and Wallace just walked out from the bathroom and saw that Kaito was awake.

Wallace: Huh, He's not dead. Yay.

Kaito: Very funny man. (Gets up from his bed) Let me guess...

Wallace: With Knives once more. But I have some news he wanted me to say to you. The band has a show at the rocket tomorrow and they want you to come.

Kaito: Oh, Of course ill come with them. They did say if they could they will let me in backstage with them anyway.

Wallace: (Sits on his chair) Well that's good to know. (Opens the newspaper) So what is on the agenda for you today.

Kaito: Actually I'm waiting on a Movie from Netflix.

Wallace: What's the movie?

Kaito: Bionicle Mask of Light.

Wallace: Nice pick. But if I didn't know any better I'd say that this would be a attempt so see that Flowers girl isn't it.

Kaito: Ok One... It's an attempt at best. Two... I did say to her I might see her again soon and Three... I actually did wanted to rent that movie.

Wallace: Hey I wont give you shit for it. I should be worried about if she was there during the...

Kaito: Oh you better not bring that up. I already feel stupid as much as is, the last thing i want to remember from last night is that.

Wallace: Jeez man. Just a joke don't beat yourself up for it.

Kaito: Well just... Don't bring it up much ok?

Wallace: You know me... (Gets up from the chair and was about to head outside)

Kaito: Where are you going?

Wallace: Just getting a few things, Want anything?

Kaito: Just get me some soda's and chips and i'll be happy.

Wallace: Ok See you soon kiddo. (Walks out and closes the door behind him)

Kaito was left alone in the apartment as he sits in the chair and started to mess with his phone. She went on Facebook to see what's going on near him but most of what he saw was about what happened last night. Out of frustration he turns off his phone and Rested his eyes. He really felt stupid about last night but he just wants to forget about it as he accidentally passes out on the couch.

He's back in a dream state and he is back to his Galaxy dream as he's laying on the ground looking at the sky as he was at peace for now he can think. But he then hears a familiar sound as he's laying down and it sounded like it went past him. He gets up and turns his head to see that Ramona Flowers skated past him which surprised him once again but this time he started to follow her.

Kaito: (To Himself) Wait... Hold on...

From a simple walk now turned into a full sprint as he tried to catch up to her but then notices that she's heading towards a door. It didn't look like much but as she stops at the door he sees that it looked familiar as there was snow around it and had the number 27-A on it. It didn't take him long to put two and two together and realized that it was his apartment's door. When he realized it he wakes up and rushes towards the door and it opens up revealing the girl from his dream as soon as she hit the doorbell. They both looked at each other in slight shocked expression as they wasn't expecting to see each other again so soon.

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